Building Your Leadership Skills

This is a 10 module course.

Being a leader is not just about managing others. It’s also about being a positive role model with others, taking personal responsibility for your actions, and taking the lead to increase your contribution to the organization. Personal leadership is also about communicating well with others, being able to manage conflict when it arises, and inspiring others to be their best. You certainly don’t have to have direct employees to do any of that. When we make the effort to build our personal leadership skills, we increase our contribution to the organization, are seen as valuable players, and create future opportunities for our career. The Building Your Leadership Skills courseware will help you strengthen your leadership skills for whatever role you may have, now as well as in the future.


  • Keep your customers informed of key information, progress and status updates
  • Actively seek the thoughts and opinions of others in key situations
  • Demonstrate good judgment for how creative ideas and suggestions will work
  • Perform an integrity review on your actions and behaviors
  • Identify what you need to do differently to effectively contribute to the organization strategy
  • Select the actions you will take to lead the organization’s vision and strategy
  • Identify someone who is good at conflict management who you can learn from
  • Evaluate how inspiring your words and actions are to others
  • Become a powerful and inspirational role model to others

Duration: 100 minutes

Keywords: Building Your Leadership Skills, VADO, leadership, strategy, Building Your Leadership Skills Course, Building Your Leadership Skills Training, Building Your Leadership Skills Certification, Building Your Leadership Skills Online training

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Building Your Leadership Skills

Keeping Customers Informed
Keeping Customers Informed

One of the most critical ways to support your customers is to keep them informed. Think about it, no doubt you are a customer for someone else. As customers, we want to know what’s going on. We want to know the progress of things and want to receive status updates. When we’re left with little to no information, we become worried, unsure or irritated. We begin not to trust the individual or company delivering the product or service. This course will help you think about your customers and their communication needs. Depending on the type of work you do and the customers you support, the level of communication required will be different. The key to great customer service is communication. When we keep our customers informed on the information they need, they are more likely to communicate well with you, will be more satisfied, and will be loyal customers for a long time. By completing this course, you will be able to keep your customers informed of key information, progress and status updates. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Keep your customers informed of key information, progress and status updates

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Seek Out the Ideas and Opinions of Others
Seek Out the Ideas and Opinions of Others

You can make a significant difference by taking the lead and making an effort to ask others for their thoughts and opinions. The more you include others and ask for their input, the more they will feel important to the team and an integrated part of the organization. As a result, everyone will have a greater sense of commitment to their work, and will have higher levels of engagement and performance. This course will help you increase the number of times you ask others for their input on situations that involve them. By completing this course, you will know how to best seek out the thoughts and opinions of others in key situations. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Actively seek the thoughts and opinions of others in key situations

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Show Good Judgment Regarding Creative Ideas
Show Good Judgment Regarding Creative Ideas

Work can be really fun and exciting when you get the opportunity to be creative and try some of your own ideas. Even if it’s not your own idea, the creativity and energy that is generated when new ideas are discussed and considered is exciting. It’s fun to think about how a change could impact you personally, the team, your customers, or even the company. Yet the challenge each of us face is to maintain good judgment when considering new ideas. We don’t want to get swept away in the excitement and do something that won’t benefit others or could have a negative impact. Instead, you should always consider the pros and cons of any suggestion to determine if it’s truly worth taking forward. This course will provide a way to think about suggestions and ideas is great. Taking the time to evaluate ideas creates the opportunity for you to show others you have good judgment, can make sound decisions, and have the best interest of the company in mind. By completing this course, you will know how to demonstrate good judgment for how creative ideas and suggestions will work. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Demonstrate good judgment for how creative ideas and suggestions will work

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Integrity Review
Integrity Review

When we act with integrity, we consistently do the right thing in various situations. We stay true to ourselves and what we believe in. We operate with a set of core values that are the foundation for all of our decisions, actions, and behaviors. As a result, other people can count on us, knowing we are reliable and consistent. This course will help you determine how often you perform a set of core Integrity Actions, and identify what you can to do strengthen your integrity. By completing this course, you will be able to perform an integrity review on your actions and behaviors. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Perform an integrity review on your actions and behaviors

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Contributing to the Organization Strategy
Contributing to the Organization Strategy

Having work that connects to larger goals is very meaningful. When we are clear on why our work matters and how it contributes to the company we have a greater sense of purpose and an increase in personal motivation. While sometimes it may be hard to see, everyone in the company has a purpose. You were hired for a reason—to help the company achieves its goals. This course will help you clearly understand your connection to the team or company strategy, thus creating greater meaning and value of your work. By completing this course, you will be able to identify what you need to do differently to effectively contribute to the organization strategy. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Identify what you need to do differently to effectively contribute to the organization strategy

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Support the Organization’s Vision and Strategy
Support the Organization’s Vision and Strategy

Within any company, leadership is required at all levels, no matter what you role may have. Taking the initiative, being an active problem solver, and demonstrating a commitment to excellence, are some of the leadership qualities everyone can perform. Another important leadership action is emulating the company’s vision and strategy. This could include talking about and promoting the vision, but more importantly it should also include performing actions and behaviors that support and are consistent with the company’s existing values as well as the company’s future vision. This course will provide a list of core Leadership Actions to review. You will then determine what type of leader you want to be, identify the actions you currently do and need to strengthen. When you make a conscious effort to perform specific actions that will reflect the company’s strategy and vision, you are strengthening your contribution to the team and company, and as a result will be viewed as a high performer and valuable asset to the team. By completing this course, you will know what actions you will take to lead the organization’s vision and strategy. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Select the actions you will take to lead the organization’s vision and strategy

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Manage Conflict with Others
Manage Conflict with Others

Managing conflict is not easy. It can be uncomfortable, awkward and challenging. Some people naturally handle conflict well, while others stumble through and hope for the best. As with anything else, managing conflict is a skill. While it may not be natural for some, anyone can learn some basic principles and with practice, get better at working through conflict with others. This course provides a process to strengthen your ability to resolve conflict. You’ll find when you strengthen your conflict management skills you and others work better together, are more efficient, and will deliver better results. By completing this course, you will know how to use a process for managing conflict with others. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Use a process for managing conflict with others

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Learn From a Conflict Management Expert
Learn From a Conflict Management Expert

There are a lot of nuances to managing conflict, subtleties that should be considered when handling various situations. While books and training can give you basic conflict management techniques, an expert can talk about personal experience, share examples, and give you feedback after handling events. This personal approach can help you develop stronger, more versatile skills you can use in a variety of situations. This course will help you identify a conflict management expert you can learn from, and help you know how to approach the expert and ask for help. By completing this course, you will identify someone who is good at conflict management who you can learn from. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Identify someone who is good at conflict management who you can learn from

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

How Inspiring Are You?
How Inspiring Are You?

Everyone wants to be inspired. We want to be energized about our work and excited for the future. And while we all want inspiration, it’s rare to find. Perhaps that’s why when we do find inspiration, we gravitate towards it, using the opportunity to think about the possibilities and dreaming of what could be. Now think about it, what if you could be the inspiration for others? What if your words and actions created energy and excitement? Instead of searching for inspiration, you become the inspiration—now wouldn’t that be nice? This course will help you create a clear picture of how your actions and behaviors create inspiration for others as well as make you a good role model. By completing this course, you will be able to evaluate how inspiring your words and actions are to others. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Evaluate how inspiring your words and actions are to others

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit


Be a Powerful and Inspirational Role Model
Be a Powerful and Inspirational Role Model

If you were asked to think of people who inspire you, a few names probably come to mind. Often our first thoughts are of well-known figures, people we don’t know personally. Yet if we pay attention, there are inspiring people all around us, especially at work. Think about it. These people may be company leaders, or they may also be the people who work next to you. These are the people with the energy, enthusiasm and passion that inspires and excites others. Their actions and behaviors are something to emulate and strive for. These are the people who make work great. This course will help you identify the actions you must take to be a powerful and inspirational role model for others. You will select  a few core leadership actions to focus on over the next 30 days. These actions can be performed no matter what role you play; anyone can perform these actions and develop their ability to inspire others. By completing this course, you will know how to become a powerful and inspirational role model to others. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Become a powerful and inspirational role model to others

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Building Your Leadership Skills

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Price :

$49.50 ( Per License )

Visited: 1922 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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