Career Planning

If the goal of the recruiter or temp agency is to place their clients in a new position, why don’t they offer more career planning training? Many firms offer some very basic tips on career planning to their clients via a few web pages or PDFs. We know through adult learning theories that not everyone learns via simply reading. The training videos from HSI always include a live presenter on the screen to better connect with the learners along with vibrant graphics to reinforce the content and keep the viewer engaged.

Keywords: career planning, career, planning, HSI-ej4

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How to Get Your First Job
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How to Create a Resume
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Filling out an Application
Filling out an Application
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Getting Paid: Understanding the U.S. Tax System
Getting Paid: Understanding the U.S. Tax System
In order for the government to run, it needs money. The government gets its money by taxing people. Taxes pay for all sorts of government jobs and services. Federal taxes help pay for national things like the President, Congress, federal judges, and the military. State taxes pay for local roads and the governor. County and city taxes help pay for schools, fire trucks, and the police. Without taxes, the government couldn't run, so as much as we don't like paying taxes, doing so is an important part of living in a society. In this course, we'll define various types of taxes and how they impact you and your income.
Getting Paid: Taxes and Your Pay Stub
Getting Paid: Taxes and Your Pay Stub
Paycheck stubs contain a lot of information. This includes not only the actual payment information, but also deductions for federal and state taxes, Social Security, and Medicare. In this course, we'll go over each of the taxes that you may see deducted from your checks. We'll take a deeper look at Social Security - what it is, how much money is deducted, and the benefits it provides. We'll also go over Medicare and what percentage of pay all workers contribute.
Getting Paid: Understanding Your Pay Stub
Getting Paid: Understanding Your Pay Stub
Have you ever looked at your paycheck and wondered why the amount is so much less than you thought it would be? It certainly doesn't equal your annual salary divided by the number of paychecks you get in a year. Where does all the money go? That's exactly what we'll be covering in this course. We'll go over the basics of paycheck stubs, whether you're viewing them online or on paper. We'll discuss gross and net pay, deductions, and retirement account funds. We'll also look at hours worked and time off, as well as year-to-date information.
Getting Paid: Your New Job Paperwork
Getting Paid: Your New Job Paperwork
On your first day of a new job, you'll likely need to fill out lots of important paperwork. Some of these forms determine the size and delivery of your paycheck, so you'll want to fill these out correctly and efficiently. This course is designed to help ensure that you do exactly that. We'll discuss filling out an I-9 and a W-4. We'll also go over direct deposit forms, health insurance plans, 401(k)s, and other company forms you may need to complete.
Getting Paid: Do You Need to File a Tax Return?
Getting Paid: Do You Need to File a Tax Return?
In our previous programs, we discussed the various types of taxes that come out of your paycheck each time you get paid. In this course, we'll talk about filing an annual tax return, and if you, in fact, even need to do it. We'll cover the income thresholds that require filing. We'll discuss tax credits, deductions, and dependents, including how those impact filing requirements.
What's an Applicant Tracking System?
What's an Applicant Tracking System?
If you're looking to switch jobs or careers, it's important for you to understand how an applicant tracking system, or ATS, works. These systems automate recruiting and staffing operations for organizations of all sizes by filtering resumes and applications. To land your dream job, or even just an interview, you need to know what these systems are looking for, and how their algorithms work. In this course, we'll talk about creating an ATS-friendly resume by using certain keywords and listing specific skills and titles.
What's a Background Check?
What's a Background Check?
Congrats! You got the job! Now your new employer wants to submit you for a background check. Do you know what shows up on a background check? Do you know what your employer is looking for? Do you know what things could keep you from getting hired? That's what we'll be discussing in this course. We'll go over how far back a background check typically goes. We'll talk about what is usually included in a background check. We'll also discuss your rights where these are concerned and the benefits of running your own background check.
Insurance: Health Insurance 101
Insurance: Health Insurance 101
If you're new to the workforce, if you've always had insurance through your spouse, or if you just need a refresher, this course is designed to give you the basics on health insurance. We'll talk about the various kinds of health insurance plans, what they cover, and choosing the plan that's right for you. We'll discuss in-network versus out-of-network and define co-pays, coinsurance, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums.
Insurance: Selecting the Right Health Plan
Insurance: Selecting the Right Health Plan
When you're a new hire, you typically only have a specific time in which to make your health insurance selections. Most companies give you 30 days to decide what plans you want, although your actual coverage might not kick in until you've worked there a few months. And with all the options you have, it can be a bit overwhelming. In this program, we'll discuss how to pick the best plan for you.
Insurance: Auto Insurance 101
Insurance: Auto Insurance 101
Every state has minimum car insurance requirements, so it's important that you understand the basics of car insurance if you're going to drive. If you're unfamiliar with what exactly auto insurance is and the various categories of car insurance, then this class is for you! We'll define what auto insurance is, go over the different types of coverage, and tips to help you determine the right type of coverage for you.
Insurance: Home Insurance 101
Insurance: Home Insurance 101
You're a first-time homebuyer, and you've searched for the perfect house for months. The homeowner accepts your offer, and now you have to learn about a topic that might not be nearly as fun as home shopping, but it's super important: home insurance. Your mortgage lender will likely require you to carry some level of home insurance. In this course, we'll talk about what home insurance covers and share some tips, so you'll know exactly what you're getting.
Insurance: Renter's Insurance
Insurance: Renter's Insurance
Most people who own their homes know that they are required by mortgage companies to carry homeowner's insurance��to protect their property, their possessions, and any injury incurred by visitors. But what about people who are renting or leasing their living space? Renter's insurance is usually not REQUIRED, but is it a good idea? That's what we'll discuss here. We'll talk about what exactly is covered, what happens when damage occurs to your property and it's someone else's fault, and who's covered in roommate situations.
Looking for a Job in Your Field
Looking for a Job in Your Field
The job market for recent graduates can be very competitive. Openings in your field can be hard to come by, stiff competition can make it hard to stand out, and there's that one tiny issue of having no work experience. Fret not, because with some hard work and creative thinking, you can find a great job that fits into your career goals. In this course, we'll help you with exactly that. We'll talk about determining your goals, making the best of your limited previous experience, and selling yourself and your skillset through your resume and cover letter. We'll also go over polishing your online presence, networking, and interviewing.
Do You Need a Cover Letter?
Do You Need a Cover Letter?
Do you really need a cover letter? Yes. Yes, you do. You need a good one. A cover letter is a great opportunity to sell yourself to a prospective employer, in addition to what is already listed on your resume. It's your chance to tell them why they should hire you instead of all the other candidates. In this course, we'll talk about why cover letters are useful. We'll go over what to include in a cover letter and where to look for ideas. We'll also discuss what to do before you submit it.
How to Create a Professional Profile
How to Create a Professional Profile
If you're looking for a new job, a polished online presence is essential. On a site like LinkedIn, you can show off your skills and experience. You're able to share your interests, hobbies, and what makes you a unique candidate. Your professional profiles can help connect you with potential companies and prospective employers. In this program, we'll talk about creating an effective, professional profile. We'll go over developing your elevator speech, linking to different interests or bodies of work, and building a network of professionals.
Getting Yourself Out There
Getting Yourself Out There
When you're new to the workforce, your first priority should be to make connections. Whether it's through networking events, career fairs, or informational interviews, you need to meet people and gain a better understanding of how your desired industry works. In this course, we'll talk about the best ways to get yourself out there and effectively network. We'll go over what to do when you attend career-focused or networking events, and what you can expect to gain by attending.
Negotiating Your Salary and Benefits
Negotiating Your Salary and Benefits
Woohoo! You've been offered a position at an amazing company! It comes with a salary that is $10k less than what you think you deserve. Oh, and five fewer vacation days. Let's talk about how to negotiate. We'll go over how to come up with the right number. We'll look at the total compensation package and how it impacts your salary. We'll also go over when and how to ask for more.
Writing a Thank You Letter
Writing a Thank You Letter
Writing a thank you letter? Come on. Are we sending it to Grandma? Should I use my typewriter? Believe it or not, this is not an antiquated notion. Many hiring managers say that receiving, or not receiving, a thank you letter can influence their to decision to hire a candidate. In this program, we'll talk about what a solid, impactful thank you letter should look like so you leave a great impression. We'll discuss who you should send them to and in what format you should send them.
Understanding a Job Offer
Understanding a Job Offer
You've made it all the way through the interview process and have been given a job offer! While it's an incredibly exciting time, it's important to take a step back and consider the offer you've received before gladly accepting it. In this course, we'll talk about what's included in a job offer. We'll go over what to pay attention to, and things you should consider as you contemplate the offer.
How to Prepare for an Interview
How to Prepare for an Interview
Congrats! You landed an interview! You want to represent yourself in the best light possible, so how do you do that? One of the most important parts of the interview actually happens before the interview, and that's preparation. There are so many wonderful online resources available at your fingertips to research the company and the job that you're vying for. Let's talk about where to look and what you need to know to put your best foot forward. We'll go over what to review, how to practice, and how to prepare for an interview.
What to Expect in an Interview
What to Expect in an Interview
Interviews can go many different ways. They can be informal, chatting with one person over coffee. They can be intense, where you're getting barraged with situational questions by a panel of company managers. Whichever way it goes, it doesn't have to be an intimidating experience. Interviews are an opportunity for both you and the employer to decide whether or not you're a good fit. In this program, we'll over the basic interview process. We'll talk about what you can expect, how to prepare, what the proper etiquette is, and how to follow up after an interview.
What to Wear for an Interview
What to Wear for an Interview
You want to make a great impression at your interview. What you wear matters. You should choose your wardrobe based on the culture of the company and the job you're interviewing for. In this course, we'll give you clarity on what proper interview attire might be, based on these factors. We'll discuss business professional, business casual, and casual attires. We'll go over fashion choices and accessories. Lastly, we'll touch on some last-minute grooming and hygiene tips we recommend before heading into your interview.
Getting Paid: How to File Your Taxes
Getting Paid: How to File Your Taxes
It's always a fun surprise when filing your federal income taxes, isn't it? "Do I owe THEM money, or do they owe ME money?" In this course, we'll talk about the basics of filing your taxes. We'll go over standard/itemized deductions, the deadline to file, and late-payment penalties. We'll also go over the documents and data you'll need to compile in order to begin filing your taxes.
Getting Paid: Understanding Your Hidden Paycheck
Getting Paid: Understanding Your Hidden Paycheck
You get paid your hourly wage or salary. You know that number. It's the one you use to pay bills, put food on the table, and go out on the weekends. You see that number on a regular basis by way of a pay stub or check. But that number is just part of the investment your employer is making in you. Understanding a more complete picture of how much your employer is paying you can help you understand how much the company values its employees. This complete picture is often called a "hidden paycheck." It might also be called your total compensation or total rewards. This course will help you determine your "hidden paycheck."
Insurance: COBRA Insurance
Insurance: COBRA Insurance
You've likely heard of COBRA before, though the name doesn't tell you what it is, or what it actually does. Generally, COBRA involves the continuation of benefits coverage after someone is no longer part of the company that had provided those benefits. In this course, we'll discuss how COBRA came to be, who it applies to, and how long the benefit is available for those who qualify. We'll also talk about what type of coverage you'd receive and costs for CORBA coverage.
The Virtual Interview: Preparing for Your Virtual Interview
The Virtual Interview: Preparing for Your Virtual Interview
Interviews are hard enough, but these days you may come up against another wrinkle: having to interview virtually. That is, interviewing via video call on your computer. Essentially, all the etiquette and advice that applies to normal interviews applies here, but there are lots of other factors you need to consider when interviewing virtually. In this course, we'll discuss preparation tips, including testing your technology, finding an appropriate interview space, and doing a practice run. Let's talk about how to best prepare for your upcoming virtual interview.
The Virtual Interview: During Your Virtual Interview
The Virtual Interview: During Your Virtual Interview
Everyone knows that during an in-person interview, you shake hands, introduce yourself, and try to establish rapport. You use nonverbal communication to supplement your stories and responses, and to better convey your personality, skills, and ideas. Unfortunately, most of this goes out the window when you interview virtually. In this course, we'll talk about how to make up for that loss of live, personal connection. We'll discuss how to use nonverbal communication successfully while interviewing virtually. We'll talk about your voice and how to speak at a proper volume and tempo. We'll go over scripting, screen sharing, and troubleshooting technical issues that may arise. And lastly, we'll cover what to do after the interview.
Career Planning

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