Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention

This bundle has a series on coronavirus precautions and prevention for employees and a new series on pandemic planning. This also includes other topics such as fighting the flu, crisis management, stress management, advice on working remotely, general courses for supervisors and more.

Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus, precautions, prevention, HSI-ej4

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Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention

How to Properly Wear a Face Mask
How to Properly Wear a Face Mask
It's now recommended that you wear a face mask anytime you're in a public setting where social distancing is difficult. There are lots of tutorials online about how to make your own face masks in order to save the N95 and surgical masks for the healthcare workers. The CDC does have some specific recommendations or guidelines you should follow when making and wearing a face mask.
Video Conferencing: General Tips
Video Conferencing: General Tips

Right now, we're using video conferencing more than ever. Where would we be right now without it? But as with any workplace tool, there are some rules of etiquette that you should follow. In this course, we'll review best practices for video conferencing.

Video Conferencing: Appearance
Video Conferencing: Appearance
While you might be out of the habit of getting "ready" for work, you should still get dressed for a video conference call in the same way you would get ready to go into the office or to a meeting. Your audience will dictate your attire. Here we will review what is appropriate and what is not appropriate for different types of video conference meetings.
Video Conferencing: Camera
Video Conferencing: Camera
Have you ever thought about the angle of your webcam? An ill-positioned webcam can make the most professional person look unprepared and unprofessional. Here we will review best practices for different types cameras and angles.
Video Conferencing: Lighting
Video Conferencing: Lighting
Have you been on a video conference where you could barely see the person you were talking to? Lighting matters. In this course, we'll review some lighting tips and techniques to ensure your lighting isn't distracting to other meeting attendees.
Video Conferencing: Audio
Video Conferencing: Audio
Audio issues can completely derail a video conference. If attendees are unable to hear you, it's disruptive and prohibits productivity. Here are some ways you can troubleshoot audio issues before your meeting to ensure a smooth call.
How to File for Unemployment
How to File for Unemployment
If you've recently become unemployed, you're probably wondering how to file for unemployment benefits. Maybe you've never been unemployed before, or it's been a while since you have been. Or maybe you're self-employed or were laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are newly-eligible for unemployment benefits. In this program, we'll walk you through who's eligible for unemployment benefits and then how to apply for those benefits.
Surviving a Furlough
Surviving a Furlough
There's so much uncertainty around a furlough. Why me? When? How soon? How much? What will it look like? So many questions. The unknowns are so hard. Especially when you don't have any control over what's happening. We have some advice to help you manage this time.
How to Ensure Your Mail and Packages are Clean
How to Ensure Your Mail and Packages are Clean
Right now, we're all cautious about the items we're bringing into our homes. So we're shopping online more than ever, but again, how clean are the deliveries that are left on my doorstep? We'll talk about that here.
Steps to Safely Get Takeout or Delivery
Steps to Safely Get Takeout or Delivery
With social distancing and various levels of quarantine, isolation, or stay at home orders a lot of people are opting for take-out or delivery from their favorite restaurants. But there's a concern about whether those items might be contaminated. We'll talk about that here.
Steps to Safely Get Groceries
Steps to Safely Get Groceries
Who could have imagined that going grocery shopping would be our biggest and most risky outing? Or maybe our only outing? Strangely that's where we're at right now. Whether you're venturing out to get your groceries or having then delivered, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk of being exposed to Coronavirus. Here's what we suggest.
Video Conferencing Etiquette
Video Conferencing Etiquette
Right now, we're using video conferencing more than ever. In fact, it seems like I'm talking to more people, more frequently, and seeing their faces more often than I used to. It's convenient for business meetings, happy hours, and checking in on family and friends. Where would we be right now without it? But as with any workplace tool, there are some rules of etiquette that you should follow.
COVID-19: Stop Touching Your Face
COVID-19: Stop Touching Your Face
When you touch a surface, you pick up 30-50% of the organisms on that surface. When you then touch your face, you transfer those organisms to your mucus membranes -- your eyes, nose, and mouth -- which are the pathways for bacteria and germs to enter the body. Stop it. Here are some tips that will help.
COVID-19: How to Wash Your Hands
COVID-19: How to Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands is an important part of keeping yourself from getting sick and to limit the spread of illness. Here are the steps you should follow to properly wash your hands.
COVID-19: When to Wash Your Hands
COVID-19: When to Wash Your Hands
To keep yourself and your family healthy, and to limit the spread of illness, the CDC and WHO recommend that you wash your hands regularly, not just after using the restroom. This course details WHEN you should be washing your hands throughout the day.
COVID-19: How to Clean Your Cell Phone
COVID-19: How to Clean Your Cell Phone
You probably realize that your cell phone is covered in germs, but you might be worried about how to clean it without damaging it. This course will help.
COVID-19: How to Verify News Stories
COVID-19: How to Verify News Stories
In times of crisis information spreads quickly. Every news source wants to be the first to report the breaking news or the latest update. Or, family and friends post snippets of quotes or news to social media in order to start conversations. But rushing to put out news can lead to missing context, mis-information and unconfirmed facts, all of which might result in increased confusion and inappropriate action. If you need the facts about current circumstances, how do you know what information to trust?
COVID-19: How to Cover Coughs and Sneezes
COVID-19: How to Cover Coughs and Sneezes
We know that one way respiratory viruses are spread is through droplet particles that are projected when we cough and sneeze. So whether you're sick or not, you should protect those around you by covering up your coughs and sneezes.
COVID-19: How to Avoid Getting Scammed
COVID-19: How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Some people see times of crisis as an opportunity to exploit individuals, and unfortunately the COVID-19 outbreak is no different. Here are some things you should be aware of as you are inundated with information about Coronavirus.
COVID-19: How to Quarantine Yourself
COVID-19: How to Quarantine Yourself
To limit the spread of illness, you or a loved one might need to be quarantined, either by a doctors recommendation or just out of concern and risk management. The CDC and other medical professionals provide some good advice on isolating yourself from others. We've compiled some of that information here.
COVID-19: Pandemic Terms
COVID-19: Pandemic Terms
You've been hearing a lot of different terms since this pandemic began. But what do they all mean? To be honest, most of them mean to stay away from other people, which is what you should be doing, but here's a quick definition of each.
COVID-19: How to Sanitize Your Workspace
COVID-19: How to Sanitize Your Workspace
Many viruses can live on surfaces for several hours, so frequently washing your hands is important, but if you're just putting your clean hands back on your dirty keyboard or mouse or stapler, then you're still at risk. Here are some tips to cleaning your workspace.
COVID-19: Flatten the Curve with Social Distancing
COVID-19: Flatten the Curve with Social Distancing
Whether you think you're sick or not. It's important that you keep yourself away from other people at this time. Most people who are carrying this virus do not know that they are until after they've been infected for several days. To understand the importance of social distancing, you have to have an understanding of exponential growth. That's what we'll talk about here.
COVID-19: How to Hold a Meeting
COVID-19: How to Hold a Meeting
If you're hosting a meeting during the Coronavirus pandemic, here are some suggestions you might consider to help minimize the spread of germs within the group.
COVID-19: How to Ensure Your Food Deliveries are Clean
COVID-19: How to Ensure Your Food Deliveries are Clean
With social distancing or various levels of quarantine and isolation a lot of people are getting food delivered - either their groceries or from restaurants. But, there's concern about whether those delivered items might be contaminated. If this is a concern for you, here are some tips for how to clean food that's coming into your home.
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Common Sense Hygiene
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Common Sense Hygiene
You've heard of COVID-19, or the coronavirus, and its rapid spread around the globe. Perhaps one of the first things that came to mind was, "How do I prevent myself and my family from getting the virus?" This program compiles expert advice on how to prevent the spread of coronavirus and keep yourself and loved ones healthy. We'll talk about how the virus spreads and go over personal and environmental hygiene tips.
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Coronavirus Preparedness
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Coronavirus Preparedness
The emergence and spread of COVID-19, or the coronavirus, is a worldwide concern. If you're not under quarantine, there's a chance you could be at some point. So it's important to start collecting items for a coronavirus preparedness kit. This is just like any other emergency kit you might have, like one for a major earthquake in your area or getting stuck in a blizzard in your car. It's a way to be prepared ahead of time, before there's a run on supplies. So let's talk about what your kit should include.
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Travel Safely
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Travel Safely
The coronavirus, COVID-19, spreads more easily the more people are grouped together, so you can imagine how busy airports, city buses, and subways pose the greatest risk of infection. The virus is capable of spreading very quickly, and has reached several thousand confirmed cases, most notably in places like Italy, Iran, South Korea, and China. The effects vary from person to person, but of course, you should take every precaution to avoid infection. With all that in mind, let's talk about travel. In this program, we'll discuss when to cancel travel plans, proper travel hygiene, and what to do if there's a quarantine.
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Stay Calm, Stay Informed
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention: Stay Calm, Stay Informed
There's a lot of information out there that might make you anxious about a coronavirus pandemic. But while it's important to be prepared and prevent the virus's spread as much as possible, it's also important to keep some perspective. There have been far deadlier viruses that have spread more widely throughout human history, and with the benefit of modern science and medicine, we will do much better than in the past. In this course, we'll talk through what exactly we know about the virus and any treatment options currently being developed. We'll also discuss where to find the most accurate, up-to-date information. Lastly, we'll touch on the impact of the coronavirus on the global economy.
Video Conferencing: Location
Video Conferencing: Location
Meeting attendees are learning lots of things about you based on what they see in the background of your video conference. What can you do to eliminate those distractions and to help keep the meeting focused on the topic? That's what we cover in this course.
If an Employee Gets COVID
If an Employee Gets COVID
What is the protocol if an employee you supervise contracts COVID? In this program, we'll discuss the recommended steps to take at your company, should this happen. We'll go over monitoring symptoms and understanding what information needs to be reported to the organization by the individual. We'll talk about when to send an employee home, determining who was in close contact with the sick employee, and what "close contact" means, according to the CDC. We'll cover contact tracing and privacy rights of the infected individuals. We'll go over properly disinfecting your office and knowing what to do if COVID is spread among employees at work. Lastly, we'll talk about quarantining and when it's okay for the individual to come back to work.
Coronavirus Precautions and Prevention

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$20.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 166 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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