Developing and Coaching Employees

This is an 8 module course.

When you are a manager and leader of others, one of your responsibilities is to help coach and develop your employees. It is your job to help your employees build their skills, share what they are doing well and what they can improve, as well as take an active interest in helping each person perform at his or her best. The Developing and Coaching Employees courseware provides the coaching and development you need, as a manager, to provide great employee feedback, create employee skill development plans, as well as create energizing work for your team. All of which, when done well, increases employee performance, engagement and retention.

Course Results:

  • Determine how to support your team so they can perform at their best
  • Employees receive feedback on their job performance
  • Top two actions your employees can do to improve their capabilities and contribute to organization
  • Create a skill development plan with your employee
  • Use a coaching process after employees make mistakes or miss their performance goals
  • Identify what work is energizing to your employees
  • Identify actions you can take to support each person’s development
  • Improve the feedback employees receive on their performance

^ This bundle or toolkit is approved for SHRM recertification credit

Keywords: Developing and Coaching Employees, VADO, coaching, Employee Performance, Engagement, Retention, Professional Development Courses

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Developing and Coaching Employees

Support Your Team for Performance
Support Your Team for Performance

As a manager you are tasked with leading a group of people to achieve a specific set of goals or deliverables; and as the leader, their results are your results. Which means it doesn’t take long to figure out that you are the one who is ultimately accountable for the quality of work and level of performance delivered. This of course leads to the fact that it’s really up to you to provide the right level of support to help each person perform at his or her best. While the factors impacting performance can be different for any one person, there are a few core factors that tend to influence performance for the majority of people. This course will help you use the most common performance factors with your team to identify the specific actions that will make a difference in their individual performance. By completing this course, you will know how to support your team so they can perform at their best. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). This course is part of Vado's Developing and Coaching Others course bundle which has been approved for 1.25 hours of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional Development Credits (PDCs).

Course Result:

Determine how to support your team so they can perform at their best.

Duration:  10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Giving Employee Feedback
Giving Employee Feedback

Performance reviews are an essential component of our work. These reviews may be formal, end of the year discussions, or they may be short informal feedback sessions. Either way, receiving information about one’s performance is key for anyone’s success. Performance feedback helps us know what we’re doing well, informs us on what we need to strengthen, and gives us an idea of our current level of performance. This course will provide a process for you to help employees become clear on what is going well, and find out what they need to do differently. As a result they will be more focused and able to deliver the right work, at the right time, at the right level of performance. By completing this course, you will know how to give employees receive feedback on their job performance. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). This course is part of Vado's Developing and Coaching Others course bundle which has been approved for 1.25 hours of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional Development Credits (PDCs).

Course Result:

Employees receive feedback on their job performance

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Building Employee Skills
Building Employee Skills

Each of us is always looking for different ways to develop and build our capabilities. When we develop, we are able to perform our job better, contribute more to the team, and feel confident about what we can do and deliver. Yet our workdays are busy, and development can be hard. Sometimes we don’t know what to do, and sometimes we struggle to find the time to build our capabilities. This is where managers can help. This course will help you provide the guidance and support your employees need by helping them select one or two development actions. Whether it’s through practice, training, or coaching, you can give the direction and encouragement, as well as help secure the resources needed so your employees can strengthen the skills required now and in the future. By completing this course, you will know the top two actions your employees can do to improve their capabilities, strengthen their performance, and contribute to organization. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). This course is part of Vado's Developing and Coaching Others course bundle which has been approved for 1.25 hours of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional Development Credits (PDCs).

Course Result:

Top two actions your employees can do to improve their capabilities and contribute to organization

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Skill Development Plan
Skill Development Plan

As a manager, you play a critical role in helping your employees build the skills they need to be successful now and in the future. One way to help is by facilitating the creation of a skill development plan. A strong development plan is a great way to stay focused and build the right skills that will make a difference now and in the future. This course will provide a process to help you meet with your employee to discuss and capture the skills and capabilities the employee would like to build over the next 12 to 18 months. These skills should be the key capabilities needed for the person’s current job, or for a desired future position. By completing this course, you will know how to create a skill development plan with your employee. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). This course is part of Vado's Developing and Coaching Others course bundle which has been approved for 1.25 hours of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional Development Credits (PDCs).

Course Result:

Create a skill development plan with your employee

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Coaching After Mistakes
Coaching After Mistakes

In any organization, the essence of a managerial or leadership role is to coach others to be their best. That’s what being a leader is all about. Although you can make it complicated and list out all the things a leader must do, it really all comes down to one thing: leaders must help others be the best they can be. This course will build your skills to coach others to learn from mistakes and failures. As a leader you can point out critical lessons and provide solutions to help improve the situation. Using these opportunities to coach others helps everyone know mistakes at times are expected—it’s what we do with them that really matters. By completing this course, you will be able to use a coaching process after employees make mistakes or miss their performance goals. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). This course is part of Vado's Developing and Coaching Others course bundle which has been approved for 1.25 hours of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional Development Credits (PDCs).

Course Result:

Use a coaching process after employees make mistakes or miss their performance goals

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Energizing Work
Energizing Work

If you want to focus on engagement, it just makes sense to ensure each of your team members has work that is energizing to them. The more energizing work a person does throughout the day, the greater the chance the person will be engaged, perform, and deliver great results. Energizing work matters, and it should matter to you. So make the time to find out what work is energizing to your employees, you’ll be glad you did. This course will help you understand what work is most energizing to each of your employees. It is recommended you use this opportunity to meet one-on-one with each employee. A one-on-one meeting creates the chance to build rapport, helps you to get to know your team better, and provides a clear picture of the type of work that will energize and engage each individual. By completing this course, you will be able to identify what work is energizing to your employees. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). This course is part of Vado's Developing and Coaching Others course bundle which has been approved for 1.25 hours of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional Development Credits (PDCs).

Course Result:

Identify what work is energizing to your employees

Duration: 10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Support Employee Development
Support Employee Development

Managers play an essential role in helping employees develop. You know what skills are required and what may be needed in the future. You have the experience to help guide development actions, and can set development expectations, holding individuals accountable to implement their development actions. Simply put, you make a big difference in an employee’s development experience. This course will help you identify what you need to do to support each of your team members’ development efforts. By completing this course, you will be able to identify actions you can take to support each person’s development. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). This course is part of Vado's Developing and Coaching Others course bundle which has been approved for 1.25 hours of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional Development Credits (PDCs).

Course Result:

Identify actions you can take to support each person’s development

Course Duration:  10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit


Improve the Feedback You Give Others
Improve the Feedback You Give Others

Feedback is essential to anyone’s success. We need feedback to understand what we’re doing well and what we’re not doing well. This information helps us know what we must continue doing and what we must improve or stop doing. Feedback helps us know where we stand and clarifies what we need to do to be successful. Without feedback, we struggle to understand how we can improve and won’t know if we’re meeting the expectations of our manager and the organization. This course provides a process you will use with your employees to strengthen the timing and message of your feedback. In addition, you’ll be looking for opportunities to give feedback when an employee is doing something well to ensure he or she continues these great behaviors. By completing this course, you will improve the feedback employees receive on their performance. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). This course is part of Vado's Developing and Coaching Others course bundle which has been approved for 1.25 hours of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional Development Credits (PDCs).

Course Result:

Improve the feedback employees receive on their performance

Duration:  10 minutes

* This course is approved for 1 hour of PMI PDU credit

Developing and Coaching Employees

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Price :

$39.60 ( Per License )

Visited: 2202 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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