
Our Business Skills library includes a collection of leadership training courses to help develop strong leaders in your company. We cover leadership lessons on the important characteristics of becoming a great leader, creating followership, how to motivate employees, succession planning, transformational leadership, mistakes leaders make, and much more. Check out a variety of leadership course titles we have to offer below.

Keywords: business skills, business, leader, leadership, leadership course, Leadership Course Online, Leadership Certification

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Employee Retention and Turnover: The Cost of Employee Turnover
Employee Retention and Turnover: The Cost of Employee Turnover
Do you know what it costs your company when someone quits their job? There are monetary and non-monetary costs involved, and we can assume they aren't pretty. In this course, we'll talk through these specific costs and how they affect your bottom line. This includes calculating quit rates, the costs of hiring and onboarding, and the price of lost productivity. We'll also go over how employee turnover can impact your company's morale and reputation.
Employee Retention and Turnover: Why Are Our Best People Leaving?
Employee Retention and Turnover: Why Are Our Best People Leaving?
Employee turnover is a fact of life at any company. While we all, as leaders, wish to reduce the rates at which anyone leaves, there's one group we definitely want to hold onto: high-performing employees. Does it ever feel like all your best employees are the ones leaving for other opportunities? If so, it's your job as a leader to get to the bottom of this. There are several reasons your top employees might be leaving your company. In this course, we'll discuss what those reasons might be, and where employee dissatisfaction often comes from.
Employee Retention and Turnover: Reducing Employee Turnover
Employee Retention and Turnover: Reducing Employee Turnover
As a leader, one of the most challenging tasks you have to face is reducing employee turnover. How do you keep your company strong, and retain your best employees? That's what this program is all about. In this course, we'll discuss how to properly screen candidates and how to survey existing staff. We'll also talk about pay, perks, and promotions, as well as some non monetary ways to keep your employees engaged and connected.
Leadership Fundamentals: The Leadership Toolkit
Leadership Fundamentals: The Leadership Toolkit
When it comes to being a good leader, the question that's most often asked is, "What's the best leadership style?" The answer is: there isn't one. There are a lot of different ways to be a good leader; you just need to find the style that works best for you. In this course, we'll help you figure that out by taking you through what we call the leadership toolkit. It includes possible leadership styles, behaviors, and theories you might want to apply to your work as a leader.
Leadership Fundamentals: Characteristics of a Leader
Leadership Fundamentals: Characteristics of a Leader
What makes a great leader? The simple answer is: A leader is a collection of certain characteristics that work well together. So, what are those characteristics? In this program, we're going to go through the list and break down each of those that a good leader should have. We'll also talk about the fundamentals of an effective leader.
Leadership Fundamentals: Becoming a Followable Leader
Leadership Fundamentals: Becoming a Followable Leader
Who are the most followable leaders? Who are the people that everyone wants to work for? What are their behaviors? Their characteristics? What makes them so likable? That's what we'll be covering in this program. Then we'll talk about the skills you can develop to become a more followable leader yourself.
Leading With Authenticity: What Is Authentic Leadership?
Leading With Authenticity: What Is Authentic Leadership?
Authentic leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on transparent and ethical behavior, while encouraging open collaboration with your team. It's about being you, and making room for others, too. In this course, we'll talk about what today's workers are looking for in a leader, and how authentic leadership fits into current workplaces. We'll also discuss the characteristics of an authentic leader, which includes showing integrity, empathy, and humility
Leading With Authenticity: Becoming an Authentic Leader
Leading With Authenticity: Becoming an Authentic Leader
Your style of leadership isn't set in stone. Developing authentic leadership is possible and highly beneficial to you and your team. In this course, we'll go over how you can develop authenticity. We'll discuss how to represent your core values. We'll talk about how your communication skills affect your authentic presentation, and we'll explore ways to improve those skills. Lastly, we'll talk about developing the traits of authentic leaders.
Leadership Fundamentals: Empowering Others
Leadership Fundamentals: Empowering Others
Empowering someone means giving them the authority or power to do something themselves. You also make that person feel stronger and more confident, in the process. When you empower your employees, it's a win/win scenario that will benefit your company, which is the goal of a good leader. In this course, we'll talk about empowering others, and specifically how to empower mid-level managers, as a C-suite executive.
Leadership Fundamentals: How to Inspire as a Leader
Leadership Fundamentals: How to Inspire as a Leader
To inspire means to "fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something." Inspiration takes it one step further than motivation. If you've ever had an inspirational leader, you know what we mean by this. In this course, we'll talk about what it takes to be an inspirational leader. We'll also walk you through some do's and don'ts of inspiring as a leader.
Learning to Lead
Learning to Lead
What does it take to be a good leader? The answers may vary depending on who you ask, but this question should really be broken down into two parts: 1. What traits and skills does a good leader possess? And 2. What is the leader's process for success? Or, more simply, how do they lead? You can find thousands of book and philosophies on this subject, but they typically all reveal the same findings, and that's what we'll cover here. We'll discuss the three common traits that excellent leaders share. We'll also go over the core skills that all good leaders must possess. And lastly, we'll talk about the process for success, and give you a general guideline that can be applied to any situation. With this information, you can start to develop or fine-tune your leadership skills and create a leadership strategy that works for you.
Leadership Fundamentals: Listening as a Leader
Leadership Fundamentals: Listening as a Leader
Let's face it, many leaders are Type A personalities. We're energetic, we like to mingle, and most importantly, we like to TALK. That's certainly an important aspect of leadership. But sometimes what your staff needs from you is for you to stop talking and LISTEN. This is a key part of leadership, because it's only by listening that we truly begin to understand what's going on at all levels of our organization. So, in this program, we'll talk about both the types of listening and how to listen well as a leader.
Leadership Fundamentals: Developing Yourself
Leadership Fundamentals: Developing Yourself
You may know everything there is to know about being a good leader. You may have had a lot of success in leading others and helping them develop. But have you ever thought about developing YOURSELF as a leader? Leaders often get so focused on their company or their staff that they forget about themselves. And while it's great to put others first, sometimes you need to step back and see what you can do to develop yourself into a better leader. In this course, we'll go over some questions you should be asking yourself and discuss ways to make improvements. We'll also cover some important things to avoid.
Empathy as a Leader
Empathy as a Leader
When you're leading a team, there are a lot of important skills you need to succeed. But more than succeeding, you need to help your team weather difficult times. That's where empathy comes in. Teams managed by emotionally intelligent leaders are proven to do better through rough patches. They are more likely to persevere through difficult projects and thrive during times of outside pressure. In this course, we'll talk about how to put empathy into practice as a leader. We'll take you through some tips/techniques that apply in-person or virtually, including active listening, non-verbal communication, and changing your perspective.
Matrix Organization Structures
Matrix Organization Structures
When companies grow, complexities emerge. The matrix organizational structure is designed to embrace that complexity, picking up where traditional management structures leave off. In essence, the matrix management means that people within an organization will have two bosses: their functional manager and their project manager. What does that look like? And how can it be beneficial? That's what we'll cover in this course. We'll talk about the roles of these two managers and the authority they hold. We'll discuss how to introduce this structure to your teams and how to implement it in your workplace. We'll also show you how this can benefit your business by demonstrating how it works.
Introduction to Intentional Leadership
Introduction to Intentional Leadership
Intentional leadership is a rising trend among forward-thinking managers. At its core, this type of leadership is about awareness. The move toward more intentional leadership was spurred by a desire to better understand performance issues or obstacles in the workplace. By understanding hidden problems better, intentional leaders can tackle the root cause of issues, creating a healthier, more productive workplace. In this course, we'll talk about how to put this into practice. We'll discuss having a better understanding of people, reading different group dynamics and situations, communicating your observations, and taking action.
Introduction to Authentic Leadership
Introduction to Authentic Leadership
What makes a leader great? What makes a manager respected and valued by their employees? What most employees want from their managers is a genuine connection and honesty. In other words, they want an authentic leader. In this course, we'll talk about how to embody authenticity at work, while also demonstrating solid work ethic, performance, and leadership. We'll cover some common questions regarding how to show your authentic self to your team, and why it's beneficial to do so.
Leadership and Power: The Bases of Power
Leadership and Power: The Bases of Power
All leaders have power. Have you ever thought about where that power comes from? There are various sources, or bases, of power. When you possess these, you have the ability to influence the behavior of others. In this course, we'll discuss the six different bases of power and why it's important to understand where your power comes from.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is the idea that a business has a responsibility to the society that exists around it. It's a form of self-regulation where an organization contributes to societal goals through philanthropy or activism, for example. CSR may seem like a lot of effort with little to no profit to show for it, but it has many benefits to an organization that affect revenue in the long term. In this course, we'll talk about what those benefits are, go over the four basic approaches to enacting CSR programs, and discuss how to put those methods into action.
How To Be a Socially Responsible Company
How To Be a Socially Responsible Company
Are you proud to work for your company? Does your organization have high ethical standards and environmental practices? If not, this reputation can have a huge impact on your company's long-term success. If this concept of social responsibility isn't something you've ever considered, now's the time to start. In this program, we'll define what being a socially responsible organization looks like, we'll discuss various corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies other companies are adopting, and we'll talk about how to make your efforts last.
Leadership and Power: Honing Your Power
Leadership and Power: Honing Your Power
"With great power comes great responsibility." As a leader, you have the ability to make change and influence the behavior of others. Therefore, it's important that you harness your power for good. In this course, we'll talk about how to do just that. We'll discuss the importance of identifying your values, building referent power, finding a mentor, empowering others, and getting feedback.
Leadership and Power: Using Your Power in Your Community
Leadership and Power: Using Your Power in Your Community
When you're a leader in an organization or even a small business, it's possible you may become the face of your business, or at least, one of the recognizable faces. This recognition may come from inside your company or from customers and people in your community. When people know who you are, they take notice of your actions. One way you can use this power as a leader is by helping your community. In this program, we're going to talk about ways in which your power can be used to make change for those outside your organization.
Knowledge Transfer: Why Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Transfer: Why Knowledge Transfer
Does it ever seem like all the pieces of information that would solve your company's biggest issues are somewhere within your company, inside the minds of your workers, but you just can't piece it all together? This is a common problem for businesses. You have all the knowledge you need, but it's trapped in different departments and levels, or even within the minds of your customers. As a leader, it's your job to find a way to transfer that knowledge throughout your organization. In this course, we'll talk about why an organized system of knowledge transfer matters. We'll discuss the pitfalls of information overload, as well as getting too little data or working in silos. We'll also talk about where knowledge is gained or lost in businesses.
Knowledge Transfer: Barriers to Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Transfer: Barriers to Knowledge Transfer
We know that transferring knowledge is essential in any organization, but it's not always an easy process to put into place. In this course, we'll talk about some of the barriers that businesses run into, how to identify these issues, and how to overcome them, so you can share information effectively and efficiently.
Introduction to Servant-Based Leadership
Introduction to Servant-Based Leadership
Servant-leaders put the needs of others before their own, prioritizing their employees' development and success. This kind of leadership has proven to be highly successful and improves productivity for entire corporations. In this course, we'll discuss what it takes to demonstrate excellent service-based leadership. We'll talk about showing gratitude, empowering others, and the importance of talent development, as well as the many benefits of servant-based leadership.
Introduction to VUCA Framework
Introduction to VUCA Framework
VUCA may sound like a snappy acronym straight out of a sci-fi film, but it's actually a useful way to approach challenges. Originally used by the U.S. Army in the early 90s, the term is often used as a catchall for big challenges. When applied correctly, however, there's a lot to be gained from putting the VUCA framework into action. Just keep in mind that VUCA is actually better-suited as a checklist for organizations to ensure that they're ready to survive whatever is thrown at them. So, in this course, we'll discuss what VUCA is, how it works, and what it can do for your organization.
Mission, Vision, and Values: 01. Mission Statements
Mission, Vision, and Values: 01. Mission Statements
In this series, we're going to talk about developing your company's mission, vision, and value statements. We'll cover the differences between each of those, how to write them, the reasons why you need to have them, and examples from larger companies who have successful missions, visions, and values. The weight of these three statements is immense, as they should guide the direction and future of your company, and all employees should work to embody or fulfill what's written. Here in this first program, we'll briefly review all three statements, and then take a deeper look at the mission statement.
Mission, Vision, and Values: 02. Vision Statements
Mission, Vision, and Values: 02. Vision Statements
A vision statement is an aspirational statement made by an organization that articulates what they would like to achieve. It's a broad interpretation of your goals, guiding the direction of your efforts. Just like your mission statement, writing your vision statement requires some research. This includes asking why your organization exists, and what hopes or ideas led to its founding. With these in mind, you can begin to craft a meaningful vision statement. That's what we'll discuss in this course.
Mission, Vision, and Values: 03. Value Statements
Mission, Vision, and Values: 03. Value Statements
A value statement, also called a value proposition, is a description of what you believe in, and a promise of value to be delivered, communicated, and acknowledged. It's a set of five to seven words that articulate what your organization believes in and holds true. The value statement lists the core principles that guide and direct your organization and its culture. In this program, we'll discuss how to create one that truly reflects the values of your company.
Organizational Dysfunction: Eight Signs of a Dysfunctional Organization
Organizational Dysfunction: Eight Signs of a Dysfunctional Organization
Nobody wants to work for a dysfunctional organization. We all want to be a part of a healthy, efficient, prosperous company. But dysfunction is a sneaky thing. Without warning, it can seep into your culture, your processes, and the way that you manage. And before you know it, systems start to fail, and employees (or even customers) are on the first flight out. So we created this program to help you check the status of your organization. Here, we'll discuss the 8 signs of a dysfunctional organization.
Organizational Dysfunction: Fixing the Dysfunction
Organizational Dysfunction: Fixing the Dysfunction
In our last program, we talked about the 8 red flags of dysfunction. Perhaps a few of those applied to your business, and you're worried about what that means. So, in this course, we'll walk through some ways to fix each of the problems, and then discuss how to implement the new solutions. We'll help you get a plan in place, alter processes if need be, and make changes to rid the organization of these dysfunctions.
THE Answer for Business Success
THE Answer for Business Success
What is THE answer for business success? This question gets asked often, and the answers are vast and conflicting. Some say it's all about leadership. Others say it's all about empowering ground-level employees. Some companies think it should be customer-focused, while others say it's entirely based on product quality. These are all valid arguments, and they'll all make your business better. So, to address the question, "What is THE answer to business success?" Our solution isn't just one answer or strategy, as it must encompass all of these important factors. In this course, we'll talk about the three major components that make up the recipe for business success.
Building an Effective Leadership Team
Building an Effective Leadership Team
All businesses have a leadership team, but not all businesses have an EFFECTIVE leadership team. Without such a team, many organizations are bound to miss out on their full potential, or even to fail. So, how can you make sure that your leadership team is successful? What is it that enables a team to be effective? In this course, we'll talk about the seven principles that contribute to effective leadership, and consequently, more success.
Transformational Leadership: Transforming the Organization
Transformational Leadership: Transforming the Organization
Customer needs are expanding, markets are changing, new products and technology are coming out. You have to adapt to these changes. If you don't adapt, your competitor will. How do you make things happen as a leader? How do you TRANSFORM the organization into a better version of itself? That's what this program is all about. We'll discuss various types of organizations and the elements at play when making a transformation, including managing process and cultural changes.
Transformational Leadership: Dealing with Resistance
Transformational Leadership: Dealing with Resistance
You're trying to be a transformational leader. You're trying to bring your organization along into the present and beyond. Some of your staff are doing well. But others, not so much. They're resisting. How do you deal with someone in your organization who is resisting change? As a leader, if you want your organization to transform, you need to bring EVERYONE along with you. In this course, we'll talk about how to deal with this situation. We'll discuss the two ways to handle resisters. We'll also go over how to manage change effectively and walk you through several steps to help deal with resistance.
Transformational Leadership: Creating Focus During Change
Transformational Leadership: Creating Focus During Change
Have you noticed your team becoming unfocused during change? It's easy to lose sight of what's really important or what you should be focusing on when things are shifting around you. And as a leader, you need to be focused. But you also need to help your TEAM focus on their work, in spite of the distractions that come with things changing around them. In this program, we'll talk about the circles of focus, and where you can help your team focus their energy. We'll also discuss importance versus urgency, and how to get your team to work more productively during change.
Mentoring: What Is a Mentoring Program?
Mentoring: What Is a Mentoring Program?
You can probably learn how a car engine works in a few hours by reading a book, right? But it takes years to be able to listen to an engine and know what's wrong with it just by the sound. How do you start to gain that kind of experience? How do you transfer knowledge? You need a mentoring program! In this course, we'll look at what a mentoring program is, including the mentor/mentee relationship and the different types of mentors. We'll also go over the benefits of a mentoring program and why every organization should have one.
Mentoring: How to Create a Mentoring Program
Mentoring: How to Create a Mentoring Program
We understand that having a mentoring program is important, but how do we create one? In this course, we'll go over the steps to developing and executing a successful mentoring program for any organization. We'll discuss establishing goals, finding sponsors, and creating a mentoring committee. We'll also go over how to find and properly match participants, as well as how to monitor progress.
Mentoring: Matching Mentors and Mentees
Mentoring: Matching Mentors and Mentees
Matching mentors and mentees is a key component to creating a successful mentoring program. There should be careful thought put into matching pairs or groups. A successful match depends on three things: experience, expectations, and compatibility. In this course, we'll talk about how each of these factors should determine your mentor/mentee pairings. We'll go over how to create a mentoring profile form that participants will fill out. We'll also discuss some additional things to consider as you help develop these relationships.
Mentoring: Making a Mentoring Agreement
Mentoring: Making a Mentoring Agreement
You've heard the saying, "If it's not in writing, it never happened." Well, this applies to your mentoring program. A written mentoring agreement ensures that your mentors and mentees are on the same page throughout the entire mentoring process. In this course, we'll discuss the eight steps that your mentoring agreement should include.
Mentoring: Mentoring Meeting Guidelines
Mentoring: Mentoring Meeting Guidelines
Once you already know how to start and set up a mentoring program, it's time to get into the nitty-gritty details of the meetings. Namely, it's time to talk about your mentoring meeting guidelines. These should be laid out ahead of time and clearly conveyed to all participants. In the end, this will lead to more cohesive and successful mentorships. In this program, we'll go over how to set up good guidelines, including transitioning into the meeting, reviewing open issues, taking notes, and answering questions. We'll also cover some do's and don'ts of mentoring meetings.
Mentoring: Creating a Successful Mentoring Relationship
Mentoring: Creating a Successful Mentoring Relationship
So, you're a part of a mentoring program, and you've been successfully paired up. What's next? How do both the mentor and mentee actually take advantage of this opportunity? How do you create a successful mentoring relationship that bears fruit? In this course, we'll discuss the keys to a successful mentoring relationship, including establishing trust, setting clear expectations, being prepared, and giving/receiving feedback. We'll also touch on some do's and don'ts for both mentors and mentees to follow.
Succession Planning: The Importance of Succession Planning
Succession Planning: The Importance of Succession Planning
Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing new leaders who can replace the leaders that retire or otherwise leave their position. When implemented correctly, succession planning will ensure a smooth transition from one leader to the next, keeping the organization moving forward, without people having to scramble to pick up the pieces when leadership changes. In this course, we'll talk about why this matters, how it impacts companies, and what you can do to start preparing to fill potentially vacant vital leadership positions.
Succession Planning: Creating a HiPo Policy
Succession Planning: Creating a HiPo Policy
When developing your succession plan, you need to have a HiPo policy in place. This provides some rules around who is considered a HiPo and how to find progression opportunities. This policy will be unique to your organization, but there are some general things to keep in mind when you create it, starting with business planning and strategic thinking. In this course, we'll discuss what this policy should include, so you can find and develop the best high-potential employees.
Succession Planning: Identifying HiPos
Succession Planning: Identifying HiPos
When identifying HiPos, you're ultimately trying to determine the likelihood that someone will become a leader within your organization. The desired skills and traits will be unique to the organization, levels of leadership, and roles you're forecasting to fill. In this course, we'll talk about what to look for in your HiPos, by covering some common characteristics that many organizations seek out. We'll discuss measurable criteria you can use to find the right candidates. We'll also go over the difference between high-potential employees and high-performing employees, including why it's important to make that distinction.
Succession Planning: Retaining and Developing HiPos
Succession Planning: Retaining and Developing HiPos
HiPos are some of the most sought-after employees in the job market. Their individual value is easy to understand, even outside of their own organizations. That means there's competition, so you have to work to keep your HiPos in your organization. You must find ways to keep them committed to your business. That's what we'll cover in this program. We'll talk about personalizing a HiPo's development, as well as how to keep them motivated and engaged.
Knowledge Transfer: Implementing Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Transfer: Implementing Knowledge Transfer
Once you have a good understanding of what knowledge transfer is, why it's important to your business, and what barriers you'll need to work around, the next step is implementing it. This means developing systems for transferring knowledge throughout your organization. It also means incentivizing and rewarding employees who share their knowledge. In this course, we'll discuss what your role is in all of this. We'll talk about determining how knowledge is currently being transferred. We'll demonstrate examples of how organizations efficiently spread pertinent knowledge, and ways to reward employees who are willing to take part in the process. Lastly, we'll provide a framework for knowledge transfer.
Leading a High D
Leading a High D
In this course, we'll discuss the basic D characteristics and what you can expect in managing a High D. We'll also go over how to lead them, so that you're getting the most out of your D team members. The goal of this program is to help you modify your style so you can lead a High D person successfully. Notice that we say to modify YOUR style. You're not going to be able to get them to change. You have to change to lead them.
Leading a High I
Leading a High I
In this course, we'll discuss the basic I characteristics and what you can expect in managing a High I. We'll also go over how to lead them, so that you're getting the most out of your I team members. The goal of this program is to help you modify your style so you can lead a High I person successfully. Notice we say to modify YOUR style. You're not going to be able to get them to change. You have to change to lead them.
Leading a High S
Leading a High S
In this course, we'll discuss the basic S characteristics and what you can expect in managing a High S. We'll also go over how to lead them, so that you're getting the most out of your S team members. The goal of this program is to help you modify your style so you can lead a High S person successfully. Notice that we say to modify YOUR style. You're not going to be able to get them to change. You have to change to lead them.
Leading a High C
Leading a High C
In this course, we'll discuss the basic C characteristics and what you can expect in managing a High C. We'll also go over how to lead them, so that you're getting the most out of your C team members. The goal of this program is to help you modify your style so you can lead a High C person successfully. Notice we say to modify YOUR style. You're not going to be able to get them to change. You have to change to lead them.

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