Management Essentials

This is a 15 module course.

Courseware for Managers

When you’re a manager, there are some basic, essential skills everyone should have. Whether it’s setting clear work priorities, building great teamwork, listening well to others, or performing a performance review. Each of the skills impact how effective you’ll be as a manager. The Management Essentials courseware will help you build these skills and others.

By giving you on the job development exercises to evaluate performance, set clear expectations, and create the right level of challenging work, you’ll build the skills required to be a great and motivating manager for each of your employees.

Course Results:  

  • Employees get clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days
  • Find out what your employees need from you, their manager
  • Create a team meeting agenda item to reinforce great teamwork
  • Discuss with your employees why you value them, why they’re important to the team and company
  • Evaluate how well you listen to others’ ideas and opinions
  • Create problem-solving expectations for your employees
  • Determine if the workload is right for your employees and for the company
  • Share with your employees the great things they do and how they make a difference
  • Ask a leader to come talk to the team about ethics, integrity, and the company values
  • Perform a performance review with your employees
  • Increase the level of challenge an employee experiences at work
  • Receive feedback from your team on how you’re doing as a manager
  • Determine what factors would create a great job and work situation for your employees
  • Determine if you're doing the right things when evaluating an employee's performance
  • Perform a departure review for your team members

Duration:  150 minutes

Keywords: VADO, Management Essentials, Management, coaching, goals, goal setting, performance management, Management Essentials Training, Management Essentials Training Course

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Management Essentials

Giving Clear Work Priorities
Giving Clear Work Priorities

"There are a lot of things a person can do to be successful in one’s job, but knowing what work must be achieved is one of the more important items. Knowing what work must be delivered and when helps anyone stay focused and achieve success within their role. Without this information, we tend to be unfocused, and may or may not deliver what we should. Add to the fact that work priorities often change as team priorities change and our work priorities may not be clear. This course will help you provide clarity to your employees regarding what must be achieved in the next 30 days. This short time frame helps each person clearly know what to focus on and how to prioritize his or her time. Having this level of focus is great. It helps each person perform the right work at the right time, thus creating the opportunity for individual and team success.By completing this course, you will be able to help your employees get clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track."

Course Result:

Employees get clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days

Course Duration:

10 minutes

What Employees Need
What Employees Need

While there are a number of common things most employees may want, we must remember that different people are different. Each of us has a slightly unique set of needs that when in place enable us to do our job well and perform at the highest level. There is a great benefit in finding out what each of your employees need from you, their manager. When you have a clear idea of what each person requires from your leadership, you can tailor your actions to meet specific needs, and thus improve the likelihood a great work situation will be created for everyone on your team. This course provides a process you will use with your employees to identify each person’s individual needs for success, as well as guidance for how best to create a plan to meet those needs, while balance team and company needs. By completing this course, you will find out what your employees need from you, their manager. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Find out what your employees need from you, their manager

Course Duration:

10 minutes



Reinforce Great Teamwork
Reinforce Great Teamwork

A teamwork culture is developed when cooperation becomes a priority, is consistently talked about, and best practices and solutions are shared with others. By creating a teamwork culture, co-workers learn from each other’s experience, can ask for help when needed, and increase their contribution to the team. All of this eventually strengthens the team’s cohesion, enabling individual and team goals to be achieved. For this course you will introduce the topic of teamwork to your team, share why it’s important and how improving the collaboration with others will benefit the team. You’ll also talk about what’s going on in the team or company that creates the need to strengthen teamwork and cooperation. By completing this course, you will be able to create a team meeting agenda item to reinforce great teamwork. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Create a team meeting agenda item to reinforce great teamwork

Course Duration:

10 minutes

Valuing Employees
Valuing Employees

Feeling valued and important at work is critical for everyone. We all want to believe our work and contribution matters to the team and organization. We want to know we are valued for who we are and what we do. When we think our contribution and effort doesn’t matter, our motivation and desire to work hard suffers. In addition, our ability to deliver quality work and a high level of performance goes down—we become disengaged employees. For this course you will identify a few key points regarding the importance and value of your employees’ work and how they contribute to the team and organization. You’ll then meet with each of your employees to build rapport, talk openly and honestly, and share specific details regarding how the person really matters to the team and company. By completing this course, you will be able to discuss with your employees why you value them, why they’re important to the team and company. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Discuss with your employees why you value them, why they’re important to the team and company

Course Duration:

10 minutes

Listening to Others’ Ideas and Opinions
Listening to Others’ Ideas and Opinions

"Managers in particular must make sure they take the time to really listen to their employees. As leaders, you set the tone for the working relationships on your team, and send the message that you value each person. By not listening, employees may wonder if you value their thoughts and opinions, and could question the value and contribution they bring to the team. For this course you will perform a listening evaluation to determine how well you listen to others. Once you have your results, you will be able to target the areas you need to strengthen, identifying which actions you need to do more of to become a more effective listener. By completing this course, you will be able to evaluate how well you listen to others’ ideas and opinions. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track."

Course Result:

Evaluate how well you listen to others’ ideas and opinions

Course Duration:

10 minutes


Problem Solving Expectations
Problem Solving Expectations

Having the authority to make decisions and solve problems on our own is essential to creating a great work situation. When we have this type of authority we feel trusted, competent, and believe we are a valued contributor to the organization. In addition, since we’re not relying on others to tell us how to get our work done, we tend to be more productive and successful. This course will help you provide your employees guidelines around what is expected in regards to decision making and problem-solving. There are people with a lot of experience who would do well with a high level of decision-making authority, while less experienced and skilled individuals may need a limited amount of authority. By completing this course, you will be able to create problem-solving expectations for your employees. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Create problem-solving expectations for your employees

Course Duration:

10 minutes


The Right Workload for Employees
The Right Workload for Employees

Having a good balance between work and our personal life is important. We want to meet our commitments at work while at the same time have the opportunity to meet our personal needs too. As a manager, it’s a wonderful thing to create great work-life balance for your employees, however you also need to make sure the right work is getting done at the right time. This includes making sure each employee is creating a significant impact for the company. This course provides an assessment to determine the level of workload each person on your team has, as well as the impact they are making within the company—this is the employee’s Work Zone. Depending on which work zone your employees are in, you will be provided with different actions you can take to ensure each person has the right level of work life balance. By completing this course, you will be able to determine if the workload is right for your employees and for the company. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Determine if the workload is right for your employees and for the company

Course Duration:

10 minutes


The Great Things Employees Do
The Great Things Employees Do

While your employees need direction, coaching, and feedback to be successful, what they really want is to be motivated and inspired to be their best. They want to know they are valued, can make a difference, and have the opportunity to do something great; and if you consider the various people your employees interact with on any given day, you are the person who can do this best. Motivating and inspiring others is part of the manager role. It is your job to encourage and support your employees to be their best. The course will show you how to share the great things they’re doing and how they contribute to the company. By completing this course, you will know how to share with your employees the great things they do and how they make a difference. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Share with your employees the great things they do and how they make a difference

Course Duratiion:

10 minutes

An Ethics and Integrity Discussion
An Ethics and Integrity Discussion

"Ethics, values and integrity all play an important role in creating a work environment employees can be proud of and want to be a part of. Ethical behavior and integrity are an essential component of success and must be consistently discussed and talked about. When integrity and ethics are part of a team and company culture, employees tend to be more committed, more productive, and are proud of their work and company. While you can and should be delivering this message to your team, it’s also very powerful to have a company leader talk about ethics and integrity. Company leaders have a lot of credibility, need to lead by their personal actions, and can be very engaging and inspirational. All of which translates to greater understanding, an increase in excitement, and renewed belief in the company. By completing this course, you will have a leader to come talk to the team about ethics, integrity, and the company values. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track."

Course Result:

Ask a leader to come talk to the team about ethics, integrity, and the company values

Course Duration:

10 minutes

Perform a Performance Review
Perform a Performance Review

Performance reviews are an essential component of our work. These reviews may be formal, end of the year discussions, or they may be short informal feedback sessions. Either way, receiving information about one’s performance is key for anyone’s success. Performance feedback helps us know what we’re doing well, informs us on what we need to strengthen, and gives us an idea of our current level of performance. This course provides a process you can follow to conduct a successful performance review with your employees. Performance feedback helps us know what we’re doing well, informs us on what we need to strengthen, and gives us an idea of our current level of performance. By completing this course, you will be able to perform a performance review with your employees. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Perform a performance review with your employees

Course Duration:

10 minutes

Creating Challenging Work
Creating Challenging Work

"As a manager, if you want your employees to engage and perform, you must help each employee find the right level of challenging work. Challenging work looks different for everyone and some may need more than others, but all employees need challenging work to stay excited and committed to their job. This course will help you actively involve your employee in helping to increase the level of challenge in his or her work. Your role is to guide and coach your employee. The more he or she is involved in making decisions, the more likely the person will be excited about the new challenges, and will be more productive at work. By completing this course, you will be able to determine your employees’ current level of challenge, and identify ways to create the right amount of challenge in their work. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track."

Course Result:

Increase the level of challenge an employee experiences at work

Course Duration:

10 minutes

Receive Feedback From Your Employees
Receive Feedback From Your Employees

As a manager, asking for feedback is a great way to create a collaborative working relationship with your employees. When you ask how well you’ve provided support and coaching, as well as find out what you can do differently to support each person, you’ll definitely learn a few things. In addition, your employees will be impressed and delighted that you asked for their opinion, and will see you as a manager who wants to do a great job and help them be successful. This course will help solicit and receive feedback from your direct reports. Not all managers ask their employees for feedback. Take the opportunity to distinguish yourself as a great leader and boss, by asking your employees to share what you can do better to lead and manage others. By completing this course, you will receive feedback from your team on how you’re doing as a manager. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Receive feedback from your team on how you’re doing as a manager

Course Duration:

10 minutes


Creating a Great Work Situation
Creating a Great Work Situation

"As a leader in a company, one of the most important things you must do is create the right environment that will cause your employees to make the decision to engage in their work and stay with the organization. Only when employees are truly engaged and want to stay in their jobs will great individual results be delivered and high levels of performance be achieved. For this course you will talk with your employee to learn what will motivate him or her, as well as create the type of work situation that would cause the person to want to engage. Adding a structured process to your discussion is even better, as it provides some guidelines for you and the employee to identify the factors that will really make a difference. By completing this course, you will be able to determine what factors would create a great job and work situation for your employees. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track."

Course Result:

Receive feedback from your team on how you’re doing as a manager

Course Duration:

10 minutes

Evaluating Performance in the Right Way
Evaluating Performance in the Right Way

Performance reviews are a part of any manager’s life. While there are differences among companies, most likely you’re required to conduct a formal performance review once a year with each of your employees. You may even be asked to give additional reviews throughout the year. Although it’s a required part of your job, and an important part of any employee’s success, performance reviews tend to be one of the more challenging tasks a manager must do. How performance reviews are conducted matter to individuals. Performance reviews are tough enough, and when they’re done poorly can have a negative impact on the employee and his or her engagement. On the flip side when they are done well, employees are energized and engaged, and excited about the future. By completing this course, you will know how to determine if you're doing the right things when evaluating an employee's performance. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Determine if you're doing the right things when evaluating an employee's performance

Duration:  10 minutes

Perform a Departure Review
Perform a Departure Review

If you want to tackle the issue of turnover you need to know when your employees may leave. Knowing who is at risk for departure creates the opportunity for you to proactively take action. You may choose to create a work situation that will cause the person to stay, or you may just need to plan for the departure to ensure the team’s productivity is not impacted by the loss of the employee. The purpose of this course will be to think about each of your team members and make your best guess as to when they may depart your team. This assessment will help you determine what actions you can do to keep your employees or plan for their departure. By completing this course, you will know how to perform a departure review for your team members. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute). An Elearning! Magazine Excellence Award Winner: Management Development Learning Track.

Course Result:

Perform a departure review for your team members

Course Duration:

10 minutes


Management Essentials

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Price :

$74.25 ( Per License )

Visited: 1873 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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