Meeting Management
- Prepare thoroughly for any meeting
- Conduct effective and efficient meetings
- Become a significant and contributing meeting member
- Learn how to stay focused in meetings
- Create meeting behavior expectations with your team
Keywords: VADO, Meeting Management, Effective Meetings, meeting with a team, contributing meeting member
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Meeting Management
Whether you’re a facilitator or participant, the best thing you can do for any meeting is prepare. Meeting preparation is essential for the outcome of a meeting, as well as to your personal and professional success. When each person prepares for a meeting, the meeting tends to stay on track, decisions are made, and progress is achieved. When people aren’t prepared, little tends to be accomplished and frustration sets in. Meeting preparation is essential for the outcome of a meeting, as well as to your personal and professional success. When each person prepares for a meeting, the meeting tends to stay on track, decisions are made, and progress is achieved. When people aren’t prepared, little tends to be accomplished and frustration sets in. By completing this course, you will know how to prepare thoroughly for any meeting. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).
Course Result:
Prepare thoroughly for any meeting
Duration: 10 minutes
We’ve all had the experience of an ineffective meeting. A meeting that drags on and on, where people talk over one another, and so many topics are introduced you don’t know what’s going on. It’s obvious the meeting has no identified purpose, and at the end of the day, nothing is accomplished. At some point, you wonder why you’re even there. So it just makes sense to become efficient and effective at conducting meetings. Not only will you help your team and peers get more accomplished, you will gain a reputation for getting things done which of course is good for you and great for your career. By completing this course, you will know how to conduct effective and efficient meetings. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).
Course Result:
Conduct effective and efficient meetings
Duration: 10 minutes
Making a conscious effort to be an active and contributing meeting member is essential to your job and your career. Wouldn’t we all want the reputation as someone who always adds value, provides great insight, and significantly contributes to the team or group? Becoming a consistent and strong meeting member can definitely help you get there. Becoming a successful meeting participant is a learned set of skills. While some may intuitively know what to do, most people develop and build their meeting skills over time. Of course when we contribute and add value to a meeting’s outcome, our value to the team and organization grows too. This leads to more interesting and exciting work, and thus creates a more fulfilling and rewarding career. So no matter what level your meeting participation is right now, why not take it to the next level? You’ll enjoy the process and certainly enjoy the success your increased contribution brings. By completing this course, you will know how to become a significant and contributing meeting member. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).
Course Result:
Become a significant and contributing meeting member
Duration: 10 minutes
Meetings are a part of work. We all attend them. Some we enjoy, others we don’t. So the challenge we face from time to time is learning how to stay focused and engaged in every meeting we attend. While we’d like to think we’re always present and actively engaged, we know that’s not always the case. Yet being able to focus is good for us and for our career. It’s important others see us as contributors and valuable team members, and not as individuals who may or may not participate. While there are a number of techniques that consistently help people stay focused and engaged in meetings, the key for each of us is to identify the techniques that work well for us. This course provides specific techniques you can select from to help you increase your meeting focus and become a consistent contributing meeting member. By completing this course, you will know how to stay focused in meetings. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).
Course Result:
Learn how to stay focused in meetings
Duration: 10 minutes
It is essential a team of people who regularly work together create expectations for how meetings should be facilitated and participated in. Both facilitators and participants play a key role in the overall success of a meeting. When expectations are created and followed, everyone knows what to do and what to expect. As a result, an enhanced meeting experience is created, as well as greater levels of achievement each and every time people meet. The purpose of this course is to discuss what productive and efficient meetings look like and to establish some team expectations for what everyone should be doing to ensure all team meetings, big or small, are successful. By completing this course, you will know how to create meeting behavior expectations with your team. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).
Course Result:
Create meeting behavior expectations with your team
Duration: 10 minutes
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Price :
$24.75 ( Per License )
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