New York State Anti-Harassment

HSI provides training that meets the New York State requirements, including an explanation of sexual harassment, examples of conduct that is considered sexual harassment, and how employees can report sexual harassment.

Keywords: Compliance, new york state, harassment, anti-harassment, new york state anti-harassment, HR Compliance, HSI-ej4

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New York State Anti-Harassment

New York State Anti-Harassment Introduction
New York State Anti-Harassment Introduction
In 2018, the state of New York updated their harassment training laws. Under the new law, all employers of any size must train all of their employees on harassment. This includes contractors, who bid on state contracts. If you haven't had sexual harassment training in a few years, you're going to have to pay attention because a lot has changed. In this course, you're going to receive a full explanation of sexual harassment. We're also going to go over some examples of conduct that would constitute unlawful sexual harassment. This explanation and these examples are in guidance issued by the New York Department of Labor.
New York State Anti-Harassment Scenarios
New York State Anti-Harassment Scenarios
We've prepared several scenarios to help you understand your role in many situations involving harassment and discrimination. We'll take a look at each scenario and then review the correct answer.
Anti-Harassment: 01. Anti-Harassment for Everyone
Anti-Harassment: 01. Anti-Harassment for Everyone
What constitutes sexual harassment at times can seem vague, and in some cases may even be considered a matter of opinion. This is likely the reason why sexual harassment is the most common form of harassment in United States' workplaces. The goal of this series is to clear up any confusion and dispel any preconceived notions by highlighting federal sexual harassment laws. Every employee should clearly understand what behavior is considered okay and what crosses a line. Every employee should thoroughly understand the actions they can take if they are a witness to or are a victim of harassment. And lastly, every employee should fully understand their protections under the law. For more information, contact
Anti-Harassment: 02. Anti-Harassment for Managers
Anti-Harassment: 02. Anti-Harassment for Managers
Everyone deserves to work in a safe and harassment-free environment, and one of your responsibilities as a manager is to make that available to all employees. You set the tone, and you shape the culture, and that's why this course is vital for you. This program will help you understand what harassment is, how you can create a culture that helps prevent it, and what you need to do if an employee comes to you with a concern. For more information, contact
Anti-Harassment: 03. Writing and Communicating an Anti-Harassment Policy
Anti-Harassment: 03. Writing and Communicating an Anti-Harassment Policy
Your company harassment policy is considered the first step in creating an antiharassment culture. It's what federal entities will look at first if your organization faces any harassment claims. So, creating and communicating an effective sexual harassment policy is extremely important to your organization, to say the least. A quality sexual harassment policy can help prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and help you avoid potentially catastrophic lawsuits. In this course, we're going to discuss how to write an effective policy, how to communicate the policy, how to train people on the policy, and how to hold people accountable to the policy. Always consult an attorney when creating these specific policies for your company to ensure that all elements are up-to-date and comply with local law. For more information, contact
Anti-Harassment: 04. Investigating Complaints
Anti-Harassment: 04. Investigating Complaints
Complaints of sexual harassment must be handled swiftly and proficiently. As a supervisor, part of your role may be to assist in or fully conduct an investigation into a sexual harassment complaint. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, there is very strict criteria one must follow in order to participate in the investigatory process. This is very important for you to understand as you investigate or assign an investigator. So in this program, we'll talk about what exactly is required of an investigator. This includes how to collect evidence, how to interview witnesses, and how to conclude an investigation. We'll go over the importance of objectivity and finding the truth. We'll also discuss protection from retaliation and taking the appropriate action. For more information, contact
Anti-Harassment: 05. History of Sexual Harassment
Anti-Harassment: 05. History of Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment as a concept has evolved significantly over the years. In this course, we'll look at the landmark cases that helped define workplace sexual harassment and discrimination laws in the United States, which have come a long way. These cases include Williams v. Saxbe, Bundy v. Jackson, Anita Hill v. Clarence Thomas, the Tailhook scandal, and Gretchen Carlson v. Roger Ailes. We'll also look into the substantial monetary damages incurred by the offenders and their organizations. For more information, contact
Anti-Harassment: 06. Anti-Harassment in Review
Anti-Harassment: 06. Anti-Harassment in Review
This course is a review of the key concepts covered in the Anti-Harassment series. We'll discuss the types of sexual harassment, offensive workplace behaviors, and how to report harassment if you are the target or a witness to it. We'll go over managerial responsibilities and the requirements of investigators according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC. We'll also review writing and communicating a sexual harassment policy, and the training requirements for employees. For more information, contact
Understanding Harassment: 01. Introduction to Understanding Harassment
Understanding Harassment: 01. Introduction to Understanding Harassment
Yes. We're all familiar with sexual harassment. We all likely have preconceived notions of what it looks like, where it occurs, who perpetrators might be, or even targets of harassment. Chances are, what you know or what you think you know about sexual harassment is incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete. In this course, we're going to provide a general overview of sexual harassment in today's workplace. We'll look at statistics, discuss offenders, targets, and bystanders, and we'll talk about how sexual harassment is REALLY showing up at work. We'll also go over context, the perception gap, and creating a culture of prevention. For more information, contact
Understanding Harassment: 02. Understanding Offenders
Understanding Harassment: 02. Understanding Offenders
We've looked at types and categories of sexual harassment, what potential targets can do, and what's expected of bystanders. But what kind of person engages in sexual harassment in the first place? That's what we're going to cover in this program. We'll look at seven common personality types most likely to engage in sexual harassment. Then we'll go over the seven most commonly used methods to harass targets. Being armed with this information will help you to prevent harassment or call it out when you see it. For more information, contact
Understanding Harassment: 03. Understanding Targets
Understanding Harassment: 03. Understanding Targets
Sexual harassment is always the complete responsibility of the offender. There's no justification for sexual harassment in any situation. To understand why certain individuals are targeted, we will go over some common myths concerning sexual harassment in the workplace. We will also cover things that employees can do to prevent becoming a target of sexual harassment. Finally, we will discuss why targets of sexual harassment do not report it, and we'll talk about ways that we can change that within the organization. For more information, contact
Understanding Harassment: 04. Bystander Training
Understanding Harassment: 04. Bystander Training
If you believe that you've witnessed sexual harassment in your workplace, do you know what to do? Do you know who to report it to? Do you know if what you saw is even reportable? Should you talk to the target? The perpetrator? This program is designed to help you understand what sexual harassment looks like from a bystander's viewpoint and what your responsibilities are if you unexpectedly witness harassment. We'll talk about the four-part reactive process of a bystander and how targets of harassment may or may not react. We'll also discuss how to intervene if you're a witness to sexual harassment. For more information, contact
Understanding Harassment: 05. Warning Signs
Understanding Harassment: 05. Warning Signs
This program provides the common warning signs seen in targets of sexual harassment. This isn't an all-inclusive list, but knowing these warning signs can help you take care of yourself, your friends and family, and your coworkers. Remember that everyone reacts differently, and someone may exhibit some of these signs or none at all. Regardless of the response, being a target of sexual harassment can be a harrowing and psychologically devastating experience. These are the things we need to look out for. For more information, contact
Understanding Harassment: 06. Healthy Culture
Understanding Harassment: 06. Healthy Culture
When we talk about sexual harassment in the workplace, what typically comes to mind are different scenarios or behaviors that make people feel uncomfortable or offended. Often times, these situations occur within a culture that accepts, tolerates, ignores, or avoids these inexcusable behaviors. Companies have a responsibility to protect their employees. Promoting zero-tolerance for sexual harassment should be engrained within your culture. So where do you start? This course is designed to help you shape your company culture to one that discourages and prevents sexual harassment. We'll discuss topics like language, socializing, business trips, and the importance of training. For more information, contact
Understanding Harassment: 07. Understanding Harassment in Review
Understanding Harassment: 07. Understanding Harassment in Review
This program provides a review of the core concepts covered in our series on Understanding Sexual Harassment. We'll go over the symptoms of harassment, and review the different perpetrator personalities and harassment methods. We'll discuss how to report sexual harassment, whether you're a witness or a target. We'll review the various harassment behaviors and warning signs to look out for. And finally, we'll leave you with some ways to create a healthy workplace culture. For more information, contact
New York State Anti-Harassment

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$25.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 227 Times

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