Performance Excellence

Performance reviews are a part of any manager's life. While there are differences among companies, most likely you're required to conduct a formal performance review once a year with each of your employees. You may even be asked to give additional reviews throughout the year. Although it's a required part of your job, and an important part of any employee's success, performance reviews tend to be one of the more challenging tasks a manager must do. How performance reviews are conducted matters to individuals. Performance reviews are tough enough, and when they're done poorly can have a negative impact on the employee and his or her engagement. On the flip side when they are done well, employees are energized and engaged and excited about the future.

Keywords: business skills, business, performance, performance excellence, HSI-ej4

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The 5 Whys is a tool that can be used to determine the root cause of a problem. This tool can be used as a stand-alone, but it is also often used during the Analyze phase of a larger Six Sigma project. The tool is easy to administer because it does not require statistical analysis or data collection like other root cause tools. It does not require a large budget and does not keep employees away from their other responsibilities. It relies simply on asking "why" questions until a root cause is discovered. So, in summary, we are literally asking "why" five times to determine what process is broken.
Qualitative Data Collection
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Six Sigma: Six Sigma and Kaizen
Six Sigma: Six Sigma and Kaizen
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Six Sigma: Six Sigma and Lean
Six Sigma: Six Sigma and Lean
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Six Sigma: Six Sigma Belts and Certifications
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Six Sigma: Six Sigma Tools
Six Sigma: Six Sigma Tools
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Performance Excellence

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