Retaining Your Employees

This is an 8 module course.

Retention is key. Research continues to show the financial and productivity impact of employee turnover. And while you may not be able to stop all turnover; you can certainly decrease it. Thus, limiting the impact of turnover on your team and creating the opportunity to strengthen your ability to maintain or increase your current level of performance. The Retaining Your Employees courseware focuses on the many aspects of retaining youremployees. From understanding the factors that will cause your employees to stay to maximizing an employee's skills on the job, you will learn how to create great work situations for each of your employees to cause them to want to engage, perform and stay with the organization.

Course Result:

  • Talk with your employees about their overall satisfaction with the company and their work situation
  • Find out what factors will cause your employees to stay
  • Identify what is required to create a work situation that will cause each employee to stay
  • Identify who needs help getting a better balance between work and their personal life
  • Determine how an employee’s top talents are used in his or her job
  • Create the right level of work autonomy for your team
  • Determine if each employee’s compensation package is within market range
  • Identify what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay

Duration:  80 minutes

Keywords: Engagement, Retention, Retaining Your Employees

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Retaining Your Employees

Overall Satisfaction at Work
Overall Satisfaction at Work

As a manager, you play a significant role in helping to create a work environment that will positively impact employee satisfaction. You influence the team culture, you create work responsibilities, you’re responsible for coaching and supporting each team member, and you set the tone for how work gets done. Therefore, it’s up to you to take the lead to understand each person’s level of work satisfaction, as well as identify the specific actions that will make a difference in each person’s work situation. This course is designed to help you get a sense of the level of satisfaction your employees experience at work and with the company. You can perform this action with your team or with individual employees. Review all of the action’s instructions to determine which method will be best for you and the team. By completing this course, you will be able to talk with your employees about their overall satisfaction with the company and their work situation. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Talk with your employees about thei roverall satisfaction with the company and their work situation

Duration:  10 mninutes

Keeping Your Employees
Keeping Your Employees

Your employees are your most valuable asset. They are the resource that gets work done, they bring creativity and innovation to the team, and without them you wouldn’t be able to achieve your goals. So it almost goes without saying, you need your employees to stay and to perform. Certainly any manager will tell you that constant turnover is something you don’t want happening on your team. And yet, employees leave. For various reasons, individuals choose to leave a team or an organization. As a manager, your challenge is to identify what factors will cause each person to stay, and then to build these factors into each person’s work situation. When you know the factors that will influence each person’s decision to stay and perform, you have an advantage. You can work with your team to ensure the right things are in place, and therefore create a work situation that would cause every team member to enjoy their jobs and want to stay. By completing this course, you will know what factors will cause your employees to stay. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Find out what factors will cause your employees to stay

Duration:  10 minutes

Decreasing Employee Turnover
Decreasing Employee Turnover

While there are a number of factors impacting work satisfaction, having a balance between one’s work and personal life is certainly one of them. When employees believe they can work hard, make a positive contribution to the company, and meet their personal and family needs, an overall level of satisfaction is created. This leads to happier people. As a result, they have more energy to perform well and deliver great results. This course will help you determine which employees are your team need a better balance between work and their personal life in order to maintain or increase their performance at work. Once you know who needs help, you’ll identify what you need to do to ensure everyone has the right level of balance. By completing this course, you will know who needs help getting a better balance between work and their personal life. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Identify what is required to create a work situation that will cause each employee to stay

Duration:  10 minutes

Who Needs Better Work-Life Balance?
Who Needs Better Work-Life Balance?

While there are a number of factors impacting work satisfaction, having a balance between one’s work and personal life is certainly one of them. When employees believe they can work hard, make a positive contribution to the company, and meet their personal and family needs, an overall level of satisfaction is created. This leads to happier people. As a result, they have more energy to perform well and deliver great results. This course will help you determine which employees are your team need a better balance between work and their personal life in order to maintain or increase their performance at work. Once you know who needs help, you’ll identify what you need to do to ensure everyone has the right level of balance. By completing this course, you will know who needs help getting a better balance between work and their personal life. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Identify who needs help getting a better balance between work and their personal life

Duration:  10 minutes

Maximizing Employee Talents
Maximizing Employee Talents

Our individual talents play an important role at work. They influence the type of work we accomplish and the level of performance we deliver. Our talents define who we are as individuals, and what type of employees we will be. More often than not, our talents are what we love to do and create the greatest level of personal satisfaction. When companies provide the opportunity to focus on our talents, we become engaged, satisfied, and strong contributing members of the team. This course will help you clearly know each team member’s talents and how they’re used in the person’s job. With this information in hand, any manager can quickly see where adjustments need to be made to ensure everyone has the opportunity to do the things he or she does best, and thus strengthen the person’s ability to contribute to the team and company. By completing this course, you will be able to determine how an employee’s top talents are used in his or her job. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:
Maximizing Employee Talents Determine how an employee’s top talents are used in his or her job

Duration:  10 minutes

Creating Work Autonomy
Creating Work Autonomy

When it comes to work, many of us would experience an increase in work satisfaction if we were given the freedom to choose what we do, how we do it, when we do it, and who we work with. While perhaps there may be some limitations to the level of freedom we can have in each area, some freedom or work autonomy would most likely benefit us all. While different people desire different levels of autonomy, and certainly different jobs have various constraints, as a manager you can work with your employees to ensure the right balance of autonomy is in place. When you meet both the individual and team needs for autonomy, you pave the way for higher levels of dedication and performance. By completing this course, you will know how to create the right level of work autonomy for your team. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Create the right level of work autonomy for your team

Duration:  10 minutes

Compensation Rule of Thumb
Compensation Rule of Thumb

Perhaps one of the toughest challenges for any manager is to deal with the issue of compensation. As we all know, compensation is a very personal issue, and while there are many issues impacting a person’s decision to engage, perform, and stay; compensation is a foundation element to our satisfaction at work. When employees believe their compensation is not what it should be, dissatisfaction and even anger can develop, thus making it difficult for the person to want to stay with the organization. Therefore, it’s important to know if each of your employee’s salary is within market range and is appropriate for the person’s experience, skills, and education. When an employee’s compensation is appropriate for the role and level of expertise, the individual is better able to focus on his or her work, can perform at a higher level, and will choose to stay with the organization. By completing this course, you will know how to determine if each employee’s compensation package is within market range. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Determine if each employee’s compensation package is within market range

Duration:  10 minutes

Your Own Requirements to Stay
Your Own Requirements to Stay

As a manager, your attention is usually focused on doing the right things to create a work environment that will cause your employees to engage, perform, and stay. However, the organization needs you to stay too. You are a valuable asset to the company, and it’s just as important for you to engage and stay, as it is for your team. For this course you will review particular work elements and select three areas that are really important to you. These areas should be the things you must have at work to create a job that will cause you to want to stay and be your best. By completing this course, you will know what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay. This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).

Course Result:

Identify what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay

Duration:  10 minutes

Retaining Your Employees

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Price :

$39.60 ( Per License )

Visited: 308 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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