Team Building
Creating an effective team takes work; find out how in this elearning course, What Is Team Building? In this course, you'll learn how to build, develop and ultimately lead a successful team. Most people will be involved in a team at some point, and understanding the dynamics of a team will help make one more efficient. In this course we will review the nature of teams, discuss how teams differ from groups, and look at some characteristics of a solid team. We will talk about developing your successful team, and discuss why some teams are successful while others are not. Finally, we'll talk about how to lead a successful team and share tips for handling disagreements within one. Part of the Team Building series, this course includes an engaging video, downloadable student materials and a final quiz to check your comprehension of the program.
Keywords: business skills, business, team, building, team building, HSI-ej4
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Price :
$20.00 ( Per License )
Visited: 168 Times
Difficulty: Normal
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