The Virtual Workplace

Since working from home can be isolating, it's essential we make the effort and work with others to minimize the communication and team-building challenges. This course will help you know what you need to do to build relationships with your teammates, become a contributing team member, and reduce the social isolation that can come with working from home.

Keywords: business skills, business, Virtual, workplace, virtual workplace, HSI - ej4

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The Virtual Workplace

Hybrid Work Environments: Time Management in a Hybrid Work Environment
Hybrid Work Environments: Time Management in a Hybrid Work Environment
Time management is one of the most important professional skills you can have. It applies to everyone, from leadership to interns. Those who master it can move through work efficiently and productively,��improving their work-life balance and professional success. In this course, we're going to focus on the challenges you might face managing your time in a hybrid work environment. We'll talk about planning and prioritization, as well as effective and efficient communication.
Hybrid Work Environments: How To Be a Great Hybrid Work Employee
Hybrid Work Environments: How To Be a Great Hybrid Work Employee
Professional relationships are crucially important in hybrid workplaces where employees might be working from remote locations, or even different countries. And although you may not see team members daily, you can still have excellent working relationships. You just have to change how you approach relationship building. It all starts with evaluating how you're showing up for your colleagues. In this course, we'll discuss some tips for how you can be a great teammate, no matter what your company setup looks like. We'll talk about creating effective communication, utilizing video meetings, including casual conversation, using GIFs/emoji, and more.
Hybrid Work Environments: Establishing Your Hybrid Work Schedule
Hybrid Work Environments: Establishing Your Hybrid Work Schedule
Hybrid work environments are commonplace nowadays. As we've all become more accustomed to hybrid and remote work, now is the perfect time to refine our practices and create schedules that make the most of our energy and skills. In this course, we will look at several different types of schedules, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. We'll also explore which kinds of companies and employees they work best for, so you can find the right one for you and your team.
Hybrid Work Environments: Communication in a Hybrid Work Environment
Hybrid Work Environments: Communication in a Hybrid Work Environment
Think of all the little moments in a physical workplace that you spend talking with others. Of course, you have presentations, meetings, and so on. But you also have watercooler moments and casual chats by someone's desk or during lunch. Having these interactions from afar can pose new challenges, so in this course, we'll cover some tips and tricks for communicating in a hybrid work environment. We'll talk about using different platforms and being intentional in your communication. We'll also discuss inclusivity, transparency, and more.
Hybrid Work Environments: Setting Up Your At-Home and In-Person Workspaces
Hybrid Work Environments: Setting Up Your At-Home and In-Person Workspaces
If you're a hybrid work employee, you're navigating a new frontier! Workplaces all over the country are experimenting with hybrid work environments, which is exciting for everyone involved. The downside, of course, is that many of these workplaces aren't quite ready for this change. You might find your organization struggling to understand exactly what you need. So, in this program, we're going to talk about how you can create useful workspaces, whether you're in a shared space at work or a home office.
Hybrid Work Environments: Collaborating in a Hybrid Work Environment
Hybrid Work Environments: Collaborating in a Hybrid Work Environment
The landscape of workplace collaboration has completely shifted, as we've all had to adapt to working together, but in different places. In this program, we're going to look at four different modes of working, and how you can effectively collaborate within each. We'll be discussing co-located or distributed work, as well as synchronous or asynchronous work.
Managing a Hybrid Team: Managing a Hybrid Workforce
Managing a Hybrid Team: Managing a Hybrid Workforce
The working world is changing, and hybrid work environments are becoming the norm. As managers, you've had to adapt to these changes quickly and lead your teams in new, uncharted ways. As we all settle into this new normal, there are some common techniques that we've seen success with when it comes to managing hybrid teams. So, in this course, we'll go over those techniques, and talk about setting expectations, the importance and frequency of check-ins, organizing group work, and more.
Managing a Hybrid Team: Team Building for a Hybrid Team
Managing a Hybrid Team: Team Building for a Hybrid Team
Most people say that their colleagues and work culture are the reasons they'll stay with a job. In fact, recent studies indicate team culture is more important to workers than their salary level. But how do you, as a manager, build a team when some team members are remote, and others are working in-person? This type of working arrangement definitely brings its challenges. In this course, we'll talk about five opportunities you can use to build team culture for your hybrid team. We'll discuss onboarding, setting expectations, highlighting successes, holding team-building events, and general socializing.
Managing a Hybrid Team: Tools for a Hybrid Workforce
Managing a Hybrid Team: Tools for a Hybrid Workforce
Managing a hybrid team requires excellent communication, task management, and organization. To help you stay on top of all this, there are some great tools designed specifically for remote or hybrid working. Here, we'll break down some of the top ones. We'll take you through some helpful communication tools for messaging, training, onboarding, and more. Then, we'll discuss some project management tools that will keep your entire team up-to-speed on various milestones within a project. These include time-tracking tools to ensure proper client-billing and time management.
Managing a Hybrid Team: Managing Culture in a Hybrid Team
Managing a Hybrid Team: Managing Culture in a Hybrid Team
A positive culture is vital for any organization and team, hybrid or not. It keeps employees connected, encourages loyalty, and has even been shown to improve productivity. However, developing a positive culture for a hybrid team is different than developing one for a traditional workplace - although it's still very possible. It's all about building up a sense of shared purpose, even when employees are physically separated. And creating this culture starts with you, the manager. In this course, we'll talk about ways you can work to build and nurture the culture of your hybrid team.
Working Virtually: Collaborating in a Digital Work World
Working Virtually: Collaborating in a Digital Work World
Before the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, many believed collaboration had to take place with all the stakeholders in a single room, using a whiteboard or Post-Its, to document and sort through their ideas. But now, as we're looking forward to the future, collaboration is looking a bit different, starting with the tools you'll use. In this course, we'll discuss video conferencing, project management, and digital collaboration tools that will help you and your team successfully work together in a virtual setting.
Working Virtually: Setting Up Your Virtual Workspace
Working Virtually: Setting Up Your Virtual Workspace
Creating a dedicated home workspace isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. There is no perfect home office set-up. One of the many benefits of an at-home office is that you have the freedom to make it as individual as you are. You can decorate it to be minimalist and modern, or paint everything pink. It's up to you! That said, let's discuss some general do's and don'ts of setting up a home workspace. In this course, we'll cover the best and worst places to set up a home office. We'll also talk about internet speeds, equipment maintenance, ergonomics, office decor, and more.
Working Virtually: Networking in a Virtual World
Working Virtually: Networking in a Virtual World
Traditional networking events, like business seminars and industry conferences, which are hugely beneficial for relationship building and gaining industry information, are being sidelined in our current climate. So how can we bring networking into a digital, virtual work world? In this course, we'll cover how to successfully interact with companies and other industry folks online. We'll discuss virtual conferences and happy hours, as well as talk about how to effectively connect with others through social media.
Working Virtually: Building and Maintaining Sales Relationships
Working Virtually: Building and Maintaining Sales Relationships
How do you build a relationship when you're unable to interact face-to-face? How do satisfy a customer's needs, while also making a positive impact through a digital service or purchase? It's achievable, and that's what we'll cover in this course. We'll discuss various ways to add a human touch to your digital relationships. We'll talk about methods to communicate with customers and establish a point of contact. We'll also go over how to provide quality online service.
Working Virtually: Time Management in a Work-from-Home World
Working Virtually: Time Management in a Work-from-Home World
The new normal for many office workers and other professionals has been to work from home. If you've found this transition away from the office to be difficult, then you're not alone. Juggling home responsibilities and work responsibilities in a space where those two worlds are now blurred presents a unique set of challenges. You might have difficulty focusing, or you're dealing with too many distractions, or you're struggling with, perhaps, the biggest hurdle of all - time management. Let's discuss some ways to tackle these issues so you are your most efficient, productive self while working from home.
Working Virtually: Body Language in Virtual Meetings
Working Virtually: Body Language in Virtual Meetings
Body language is an important aspect of communication. Some researchers even believe that up to an incredible 93% of human communication is expressed nonverbally. Therefore, it's crucial to think about your body language and the things that you might be communicating with others - especially as you start to shift to remote work. In this course, we'll cover the basics of body language in virtual meetings.
Working Virtually: Working Virtually with Your Boss
Working Virtually: Working Virtually with Your Boss
Working remotely brings its own challenges, but one that isn't often discussed is the ability to maintain a healthy working relationship with your boss. It's all about knowing what's expected of you, as well as finding the right balance and methods of communication. In this program, we'll talk about the best ways to set expectations on both sides, knowing when and how to communicate. We'll also go over handling and communicating setbacks, dealing with personal matters, and seeking feedback.
Virtual Leadership: Virtual All-Company Meetings and Town Halls
Virtual Leadership: Virtual All-Company Meetings and Town Halls
In a remote-working world, all-company meetings and town halls can be a powerful connection tool, if they're well-planned for and successfully delivered. In this course, we'll talk about finding the best conferencing tools, establishing expectations, and considering your current state to determine the best meeting format. We'll also discuss how to be a meeting facilitator, as well as understanding the features of your conferencing tool for the best delivery. Lastly, we'll touch on engagement and getting post-meeting feedback.
Virtual Leadership: Shifting the Productivity Mindset
Virtual Leadership: Shifting the Productivity Mindset
Working from home has created unique situations for all of us. Between pets barking during Zoom calls, kids begging us for snacks while sending emails, changing laundry during breaks - this is the new work/life balance. While your employee's workloads haven't necessarily changed, their needs have been drastically altered. As a manager, your best approach is to provide flexibility in how you measure your team's productivity and performance. In this video, we'll go over ways to help you do that. We'll talk about a time-focused approach versus a results-based approach, including the way you set milestones.
Virtual Leadership: Handling Personnel Challenges Virtually
Virtual Leadership: Handling Personnel Challenges Virtually
An employee who is consistently reliable and competent at their work is what any team leader or manager ultimately needs. Unfortunately, it's not always what they get. This can be for many different reasons, and many of them are solvable. Managing these challenges, especially when your workforce works remotely, can seem difficult at first. In this course, we're going to learn strategies to effectively address personnel challenges while working in nontraditional ways. We'll discuss flexibility, communication, and troubleshooting common struggles. We'll also give you strategies for handling performance issues virtually.
Virtual Leadership: Leading Remote Teams
Virtual Leadership: Leading Remote Teams
Many of the same leadership techniques that are important in leading a team in a traditional, physical office are also applicable to the leadership of remote teams. Communication, positivity, fairness, and organization are all important attributes to have when leading your virtual team. But in this remote work world, employees are facing new challenges. In response, managers need to maintain flexibility and set realistic expectations. In this course, we'll talk about how to successfully lead your virtual teams. We'll discuss communication and remote management strategies. We'll go over project tracking software programs to consider. Lastly, we'll touch on the importance of recognition and boosting morale.
Virtual Leadership: Handling IT Challenges in Virtual Work
Virtual Leadership: Handling IT Challenges in Virtual Work
When you're in the middle of a debriefing on an important project with a subordinate or about to close a sale with a client, the last thing you want to deal with is technology issues. Whether it's dealing with connectivity issues, software glitches, or hardware problems, you need to have strategies in place to help your employees deal with them. In this program, we'll discuss connecting your employees with your IT department and simple troubleshooting strategies for employees to try at home. We'll go over starting remote work and how employees should be set up. We'll also talk about backups and cloud networks. Finally, we'll address common technical issues and how to overcome them.
Virtual Leadership: The Virtual Daily Standup
Virtual Leadership: The Virtual Daily Standup
With more businesses working remotely, organizations need to find ways to stay focused on their goals and important tasks throughout the day. One of the best ways to stay on track is to schedule daily touchpoints, the most common being a standup meeting. These are designed to create a plan of action for the day, giving employees the chance to ask questions and acquire additional resources. In this course, we'll discuss why daily standup meetings are an essential part of managing a remote team and provide some tips to ensure your virtual standup meetings are a success.
Virtual Leadership: Virtual Team Building
Virtual Leadership: Virtual Team Building
The internet has made it possible for companies to build remote teams that employ people from all corners of the globe. Over the last twenty years, this trend has continued to grow at a steady pace. The transition to remote teams has accelerated at a rate no one could have predicted. And with this transition, having a connected, collaborative team is more important than ever. In this course, we'll explore how you can shift your business's team-building activities to the virtual world, including a few great activities to help get you started.
Virtual Human Resources: Recruiting and Hiring
Virtual Human Resources: Recruiting and Hiring
Moving to a remote workplace doesn't mean your business needs to stagnate - quite the opposite! The modern working environment has never been so adaptable, and that might mean you need to add new staff. So, how does recruiting and hiring work in a virtual workplace? That's exactly what we'll cover in this course. We'll discuss job ads, virtual interviews, and making an offer to your best candidate.
Virtual Human Resources: Onboarding New Employees
Virtual Human Resources: Onboarding New Employees
Welcoming new employees to your company is always a happy occasion, but how do you offer a warm welcome in a remote-only work environment? Research tells us that how an employee begins their work has a lot to do with how quickly they adapt and how long they'll stay committed to their role. In a remote work world, this is even more important, because the onboarding process may be longer, and the employee will naturally be less connected to their teammates than those who are in office. But there are ways to make the remote onboarding experience a positive one, and that's what we'll cover in this course. We'll go over what to do on their first day, determining their equipment and administrative needs, establishing social connections, and more.
Virtual Human Resources: Conducting Performance Reviews
Virtual Human Resources: Conducting Performance Reviews
Any performance review you've done in the past was likely conducted one-on-one, in an air-conditioned meeting room, with both people looking sharp and ready to go. It's harder to get these optimum conditions in a virtual workplace, but there's no reason why a remote performance review can't be just as productive as an in-person one. In this program, we'll give you some things to consider when preparing for remote performance reviews. We'll go over structure and approach, using visual aids, and some new topics to address, including employee wellbeing and home working environment. We'll also cover how to assess performance in the virtual workplace and how to address underperformance, when necessary.
Virtual Human Resources: Terminations, Layoffs, and Furloughs
Virtual Human Resources: Terminations, Layoffs, and Furloughs
Having a conversation about changing or ending an employee's relationship with your organization isn't easy and it's definitely harder in a remote work environment. In this program, we're going to provide tips on handling terminations, layoffs, and furloughs with compassion and respect. We'll define and discuss the differences between these three situations, as well as talk about why and how each should be decided. We'll cover proper documentation, communication, and how the news should be delivered.
The Virtual Interview: Preparing for Your Virtual Interview
The Virtual Interview: Preparing for Your Virtual Interview
Interviews are hard enough, but these days you may come up against another wrinkle: having to interview virtually. That is, interviewing via video call on your computer. Essentially, all the etiquette and advice that applies to normal interviews applies here, but there are lots of other factors you need to consider when interviewing virtually. In this course, we'll discuss preparation tips, including testing your technology, finding an appropriate interview space, and doing a practice run. Let's talk about how to best prepare for your upcoming virtual interview.
The Virtual Interview: During Your Virtual Interview
The Virtual Interview: During Your Virtual Interview
Everyone knows that during an in-person interview, you shake hands, introduce yourself, and try to establish rapport. You use nonverbal communication to supplement your stories and responses, and to better convey your personality, skills, and ideas. Unfortunately, most of this goes out the window when you interview virtually. In this course, we'll talk about how to make up for that loss of live, personal connection. We'll discuss how to use nonverbal communication successfully while interviewing virtually. We'll talk about your voice and how to speak at a proper volume and tempo. We'll go over scripting, screen sharing, and troubleshooting technical issues that may arise. And lastly, we'll cover what to do after the interview.
Remote Employee Mental Health: Maintaining the Mental Health of Your Remote Employees
Remote Employee Mental Health: Maintaining the Mental Health of Your Remote Employees
The more we get to know about the stresses of remote work, the more we understand that it can take a toll on your mental health. Your remote workers may hide that they're struggling mentally, but surveys show many of them are. Whether it has to do with a diagnosed mental health disorder, or simply someone being lonely while working from home, mental health among remote workers is something we as leaders should take seriously. In this course, we'll address how you can take action to improve and maintain the mental health of your remote employees. We'll discuss how to promote your company's benefits, maintain healthy communication, and encourage work-life balance among your team.
Remote Employee Mental Health: Maintaining Your Mental Health as a Remote Employee
Remote Employee Mental Health: Maintaining Your Mental Health as a Remote Employee
There are many benefits to working remotely, for both workers and companies. Employees experience the comfort and flexibility of working from home, while businesses save money on office space and overhead. But what's not discussed as often is the downside to remote work: the impact on employee mental health. Many remote workers report feeling lonely and disconnected from their coworkers and bosses. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to actively nurture your mental health while working from home, and that's what we'll discuss in this course. We'll go over understanding your benefits and the advantages of utilizing Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). We'll talk about the importance of having open communication with your team, both online and in person. And lastly, we'll discuss how to create an effective work-life balance.
The Virtual Workplace

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