Managing an Enterprise Account

One mistake businesses make when looking at sales training programs is investing in new or junior employees and ignoring more seasoned professionals. Seasoned veterans may be looking for support that will take them to the next level in their careers, or they may need support with ever evolving technology that comes second nature to the up-and-coming generation.

With that in mind, comprehensive sales training programs need to address the basics for the newbies and the finer points for those with years of experience. In addition, it needs to be flexible enough that team members can engage in it without cutting into the time they need to spend with customers and closing deals.

Keywords: business skills, business, manager, managing, enterprise, enterprise account, HSI-ej4

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Managing an Enterprise Account

Managing an Enterprise Account: 01. Introduction
Managing an Enterprise Account: 01. Introduction
Welcome to our series on "Managing an Enterprise Account," formerly known as "Key Account Selling." What exactly does an enterprise account look like? Enterprise accounts represent an organization's most important customers.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 02. Value Added Selling
Managing an Enterprise Account: 02. Value Added Selling
A lot has changed in sales over the last few years. There are more competitors and there are more people trying to get their product noticed. Our customers are more informed! They've done their research on us and our products before we even talk with them. If you're going to be a successful salesperson, you need to change the way you sell. This course will explore just that.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 03. Lifetime Customer Value
Managing an Enterprise Account: 03. Lifetime Customer Value
There's something you need to know when you're managing an enterprise account and it's called "lifetime customer value." Lifetime customer value takes a look at what that customer is worth to you and your company over the entire period of the relationship. It's about revenue in the long run.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 04. No Push Selling
Managing an Enterprise Account: 04. No Push Selling
What do customers want from salespeople? What do sales managers want from their employees? Usually, it's not the same thing. You've got to learn how to make the connection between the sales manager and the salesperson to deliver what the customers want. That's where No Push Selling comes in.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 05. Five Minute Pre-Brief
Managing an Enterprise Account: 05. Five Minute Pre-Brief
There are a lot of things you should be doing before and after a sales call. In this program, we are going to be discussing the five minute "pre-brief;" the things you should be doing before every call.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 06. Five Minute Debrief
Managing an Enterprise Account: 06. Five Minute Debrief
You just finished meeting with a potential client. Did you get the sale? Did you achieve your goal? In this program, we discuss the five minute debrief. This debrief is to help you understand what went wrong or what went well during your call and if there's anything you need to improve before the next time you talk to your prospect.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 07. Finding Unmet Needs
Managing an Enterprise Account: 07. Finding Unmet Needs
The MOST important part of the sales call is finding your customer's unmet need. Until there is an unmet need, you've got nothing to sell. Remember, without a need, don't proceed. What's the most important and effective way to find an unmet need? You ask questions. But what questions are the right ones and which are the wrong ones? We've got the answers in this course.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 08. Selling Benefits
Managing an Enterprise Account: 08. Selling Benefits
To be a successful salesperson, you need to remember one key point, and that's how to turn a feature into a benefit. We need to get the customer to understand that our solution idea benefits them, not just us. This course explores how to accomplish this in a very simple way.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 09. Handling Objections
Managing an Enterprise Account: 09. Handling Objections
You're going to run into objections during the sales process. It might be in the beginning of the call, when you're trying to find an unmet need, or at the end of the call. You're going to have to work to overcome those objections. Handling objections is an important skill you'll need to have as a salesperson, and this course helps you do just that.
Managing an Enterprise Account: 10. No Push Close
Managing an Enterprise Account: 10. No Push Close
Now we're at the final stages, where you'll close the sale. If you take the time to focus on the steps we've mentioned throughout this series, it will be easier for you to close the sale. There's no reason to "push" a customer into buying your product or service, because the sale should close on its own.
Managing an Enterprise Account

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$20.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 142 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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