The Respectful Workplace: Connecticut Employee
In this course, you will learn about and meet the requirements of Connecticut's mandatory harassment training requirement. Specifically, what the federal law states, CT state specific definitions and protected classes, reporting resources with contact information and remedies as it pertains to employees in Connecticut.
Course Duration: 127 minutes
Keywords: The Respectful Workplace: Connecticut Employee, Sexual Harassment, Safety, workplace, harassment, Compliance, HR Compliance
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The Respectful Workplace: Connecticut Employee

Creating and maintaining a healthy and respectful workplace requires everyone working together. In this course, you will watch your way through a series of short courses that will help you determine what discrimination and harassment in the workplace looks like, what to do if you experience it, and how to prevent it from happening in the first place. If you’re in a leadership role, the courses you’ve been asked to take will also address your specific responsibilities for preventing and maintaining a harassment-free workplace. This interactive training is a web-based, modular approach and simple to distribute company-wide. Featuring realistic video scenarios, knowledge checks and practical information, your company is sure to maintain a harassment-free, Respectful Workplace environment.
Course Result:
Creating and maintaining a healthy and respectful workplace requires everyone working together. Watch your way through a series of short courses that will help you determine what discrimination and harassment in the workplace looks like, what to do if you experience it, and how to prevent it from happening in the first place.
Course Duration:
2:30 minutes

In this course, you will learn to recognize what is considered sexual harassment, how to prevent it from happening and the steps to take if you see or experience sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is the most common type of workplace harassment. When coworkers all treat each other with respect, the instances of sexual harassment will become very rare, as they should be.
Course Result:
Learn how to create a respectful workplace by recognizing what is considered sexual harassment, how to prevent it from happening and the steps to take if you see or experience sexual harassment.
Course Duration:
12:45 minutes

In this course, you will learn about the difficult, yet important, issue of discrimination in the workplace. After completing this course, you will be able to identify workplace discrimination, learn about the common protected classes by law, understand what makes behavior discriminatory and distinguish between illegal discrimination and abusive conduct (bullying). Understanding workplace discrimination gives you the background you need to be a positive force for workplace respect.
Course Result:
Learn about workplace discrimination, including what it is, who is protected and how to identify it, gives you the background you need to be a positive force for workplace respect.
Course Duration:
12:00 minutes

In this course, you will learn how to react effectively when you witness harassment, when are harassed or if someone feels that you are harassing them. Specifically, you'll be able to understand how to ask the offender to stop, how to apologize and to report a problem of harassment. Creating a respectful workplace depends on all employees doing their very best to treat coworkers well.
Course Result:
Learn how to tell someone to stop harassing you, how to respond if someone asks you to stop behaving in a certain way, and how to seek assistance by reporting the behavior.
Course Duration:
9:30 minutes

In this course, you will learn how to make positive actions to support workplace civility and respect. Specifically, you'll learn what actions to proactively champion civility, ways to be kind and respectful to everyone, how to take on bad behavior when no one else appears bothered by it and how to come to the aide of someone who is being harassed (bystander).
Course Result:
Learn how to make positive actions to support workplace civility and respect, including bystander intervention.
Course Duration:
13:30 minutes

In this course, you will learn about and meet the requirements of Connecticut's mandatory harassment training requirement. Specifically, what the federal law states, CT state specific definitions and protected classes, reporting resources with contact information and remedies.
Course Result:
Learn about and meet the requirements of Connecticut's mandatory harassment training requirements.
Course Duration:
9 minutes

In this course you’ll learn the benefits diversity brings to your team, how you can identify and encourage diversity, and how to support an inclusive work environment the way we are different from each other can make us stronger when working together. Those differences can also create challenges. It’s easy to miss out on the advantages if we only focus on the problems.
Course Result:
Learn the benefits diversity brings to your team, how you can identify and encourage diversity, and how to support an inclusive work environment.
Course Duration:
17:00 minutes

In this course you’ll learn what unconscious bias is, ways to make your own biases visible, and how to minimize the negative impact your unconscious bias has on your relationships with coworkers. One reason people feel disrespected is because they feel like you are treating them unfairly. They may go so far as to say you are discriminating against them. While you may not believe you are prejudiced, it’s possible your behavior is influenced by biases you hold that you did not know existed.
Course Result:
Learn what unconscious bias is, ways to make your own biases visible, and how to minimize the negative impact your unconscious bias has on your relationships with coworkers.
Course Duration:
13:00 minutes

In this course you’ll learn five conflict resolution strategies and when to apply each, and a process for working with another person to resolve a conflict. When people work together, there are going to be conflicts about goals, approach, and how to work with each other. It’s inevitable. Instead of ignoring it, your goal should be to call it out and then work together towards a positive solution.
Course Result:
Learn five conflict resolution strategies and when to apply each, and a process for working with another person to resolve a conflict.
Course Duration:
16:00 minutes

In this course, you will learn that in addition to email; harassment can be done via text messages, chat, forums, article comments, social media, video and photo sharing, and even phone calls. We’re not going to try to answer tricky legal questions. Instead, we’re going to focus on keeping it respectful. If everyone behaves respectfully as they participate in the digital world, there shouldn’t be any concerns about illegal workplace harassment.
Course Result:
Learn that in addition to email; harassment can be done via text messages, chat, forums, article comments, social media, video and photo sharing, and even phone calls.
Course Duration:
11:00 minutes

In this course, you will learn about the risks associated with dating coworkers, how to lower those risks and how to recognize the risks of engaging in supervisor/employee relationships.
Course Result:
Learn about and understand how to manage risks associated with dating coworkers and understand the risks of supervisor/employee relationships.
Course Duration:
11:00 minutes

This course is to be applied at the end of all courses for a quick acknowledgement to imply your understanding of the course material presented.
Course Result:
Congratulations on completing a series of courses in The Respectful Workplace course. This course is a quick acknowledgement to imply your understanding of the course material presented.
Course Duration:
1:30 minutes

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Price :
$24.00 ( Per License )
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